The Repaint Concept Thread


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
You have my attention.

I would still buy that Primal Prime today.

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
The original Soundwave toy's transformation: Often imitated, never duplicated, and damnit they tried.


Continuity Nutcase
Oooh! I think I found a pic of the old BotCon proposal "Beast Wars Predaking" that was made from Tigerhawk:


The gray digibash of Magmatron is just something Jesse made for fun.

Though, he must be mistaken about this Predaking proposal being from 2014-2015. It has to have been from earlier, no later than early 2014, because it was shown at a panel at BotCon 2014, which was in late June.


Continuity Nutcase
I think it's more likely that Universe Trailbreaker would have had the same deco layout as Universe Ratchet, but with all the red altmode parts in black.


Continuity Nutcase
Universe never should have ended.
I suspect it was the explosive success of the 2007 movie line that made Universe seem superfluous in Hasbro's eyes, since they could finally put all their eggs into one basket without the need of a secondary mass retail toyline.


Well-known member
I suspect it was the explosive success of the 2007 movie line that made Universe seem superfluous in Hasbro's eyes, since they could finally put all their eggs into one basket without the need of a secondary mass retail toyline.
The 2003 Universe line ended in 2005, though.
And the 2008 one obviously didn't start until after the 2007 movie line. A few specific exclusives intended for it were released in the movie line instead, but the line itself lasted right up until it was time for the next movie's line to start.


Continuity Nutcase
The 2003 Universe line ended in 2005, though.
And the 2008 one obviously didn't start until after the 2007 movie line. A few specific exclusives intended for it were released in the movie line instead, but the line itself lasted right up until it was time for the next movie's line to start.
The 2003 Universe branding continued all the way up to 2008, before the 2008 Universe branded line began.



Continuity Nutcase
Yup. A handful of planned Universe redecos were shifted to the Movie line per retailer request, iirc. Fracture and the rest?
The thing is, those Walmart redecos were actually meant for the 2008 Universe line rather than the 2003 one, according to this.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Ah, that makes sense, given the timetable. Not sure why I thought they'd be part of pre-movie Universe.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I figured this might be worth sharing/talking about in here...

Over in the Iacon Art Gallery, some of you might have seen that I posted the latest episode in my ongoing fiction series, "Legends of the Halcyon Era." And on the mock-comic "cover" I made for it, there's a ship that may look familiar...

Yep; the ship/base is inspired by precisely what you think it is. I'd like to get a more distinct-yet-similar design for it at some point, but that wasn't able to happen by the time I needed this.

That said, if I ever got my hands on a G1 Maximus mold, part of me would love to give it a custom paint job like this (which was, in turn, inspired by this). Of course, given how long it's taken me to get my hands on one (37 years and counting), I am a bit reluctant about the idea, too.

(Especially if it winds up being Brave Maximus, because I love that color scheme and the windows and all that fun stuff.)

Side note: It's only been described as having similar base and starship modes in the story, nothing about a robot mode. I'm undecided on that, but I do have some ideas... particularly where the head is concerned.

Oh, and before anyone gets on me about a black/gold repaint, this is based around a character of mine who had those as his color scheme before it became so commonplace as a repaint color scheme. ;P

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