The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


jumbled pile of person

Just goes to show how awful they all are that they think there's anything Elon could do besides jump off a bridge that could make them want to come back.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
If musk wasn't in charge of twitter, millions more people would still be on it, and it would still be a genuine vector for ads. It could be again if elno would finally take his flying ******* leap and just die already.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Media Matters has screencaps. Not sure what Musk hopes to achieve other than looking like an idiot.
He hopes to use his wealth and fame to bully the courts and economy into doing what he wants them to do. This has nothing to do with media matter, and everything to do with precedent.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Fame doesn't even matter here... if he's willing to throw away even more money and the judge doesn't step in, he can just drag out the lawsuit until Media Matters can't afford to pay their lawyers anymore or until it bankrupts them with legal costs. It comes down to the judge and how good his lawyers are at nitpicking to drag things out while keeping it just this side of frivolous.


Well-known member
I feel like several someones have tried that strategy and it varies with it's effectiveness.

Ironbite-especially in this day and age.


Well-known member
While advertisers can walk away from X, SpaceX has made itself vital to today’s national security infrastructure. Getting satellites into orbit is expensive, and SpaceX has delivered lower costs while reliably getting objects into space. Prohibiting SpaceX from competing for future contracts would only trade out one billionaire-backed launch venture for another, as Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin would be the most likely company to pick up the slack. Bezos does not have the same history of public antisemitic speech, but leaving space launches in the hands of unaccountable billionaires requires entrusting vital infrastructure to the moods and good graces of independently powerful individuals. Changing which billionaire has a personal and financial stake in rocket launches doesn’t eliminate the liability, it merely shifts it around.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Yeah, as much as we comics fans like to make the whole Bruce Wayne vs Lex Luthor comparison, there is a point to be made that perhaps policymakers could simply choose not to have eccentric billionaires with radioactive space rocks in their basement vaults as our defense against space demigods?


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Problem is as problematic as Musk is, Boeing keeps dropping the ball and Blue Origin isn't ready yet. Thankfully, while Musk has controlling shares of SpaceX, he doesn't own the whole thing and the way he's been acting lately, he may end up being forced to sell more of the company to pay for his follies in other areas. The more stupid Musk does, the more I'm convinced hes less 'Brilliant Bilionaire Industrialist' and more "Evil Forrest Gump". He's succeeding IN SPITE OF his idiocy due to the randomness of the universe and being born rich.


jumbled pile of person
Yeah but also privatizing the space program was always a terrible idea in the first place and the fact that he and Bezos ended up as the two biggest stakeholders in it is all the proof a sane person should need. We shouldn't have to wait and see how it turns out.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Private spaceflight should be banned. It’s incredibly polluting, a waste of natural and economic resources, and gives the human race zero positive benefit – no human will ever set foot on Mars, let alone be able to ever live there. Space travel and colonisation is essentially impossible.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
People also once said human flight was impossible. Space travel and colonization isn't impossible, just really hard.

And as to why we should:

Now as to who should do it? Private has the issue of being beholden to profit above all else. Public has the issue of private entities looking to skim as much as they can off it, but at least can focus on non-profitable goals. Perhaps an actual non-profit org might be the best option?

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