The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor


Active member
If there’s any diversity in their backgrounds, that’s about it. Each one appears to be a white or Asian man. The company also lists an advisor—Dan Hendrycks, the director of the Center for AI Safety—who is also a white man.

Almost half the staff is non-white, they're not all Americans, some are immigrants, but IF there's any diversity in their backgrounds... :rolleyes:


unfortunate shark issues
Twitter paid out thousands to popular right-wing tweeters, including Andrew Tate, with their new monetization program.
The former Twitter executive also cast doubt on Twitter’s revamped metrics, including impressions. “The numbers are totally and completely bogus,” she said. “It’s all completely made up. It really feels like they’re arbitrarily writing checks to people they like, which is not a sustainable creator strategy.”


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
in a sane world, twitter would be paying internet funnyman dril for his Prestige Short Prose instead of paying actual human trafficker and rapist andrew tate for his verbal diarrhea


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

And that's WITH him flat out refusing to pay bills wherever he thinks he can get away with it(which is pretty much everywhere by all reports).


Well-known member
He's got a negative cash flow but he's paying off blue checks who get a lot of interaction.

Ironbite-.......I think I see the problem here and so will some of his investors.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Oh, the Saudian investors probably don't care, or might even be happy about it. It gives them leverage over Musk, after all.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

Slowly turning up the screws on anyone still trying to do business on the platform without subscribing. Yeah, they can still contact them off-site but it adds a layer of inconvienience that could turn away some customers(as there are apparently still some around given those artists haven't ALL bailed yet).


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Spam away, as long as you're paying Musk. While this will reduce spam by maybe .01%, it will increase Twitter's revenue in the short term when said spam accounts actually start paying for twitter blue. Grifters will pay as long as there are enough potential victims to make it worthwhile(which is why it's only gonna be a short-term boost).


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
So he's throwing away over a decade of brand recognition because he has some fetish about the letter x Seriously .. one that merged with the company that created PayPal, not the NEW one), SpaceX and now renaming Twitter to X, not to mention the name of his kids X and Exa.


Well-known member
You know the phrase "X marks the spot"? X is basically that. Everything is X. You can do anything at X. Because at X, we do it all. He has no idea just how bad this is going to be because he's got no idea how a company that basically runs on ad revenue works. And this shows. He thinks by changing the name, he'll bring those advertisers back. But they won't come back. And companies that rely on Twitter for content will also not use X because it's just....too expensive to deal with Musk.

Ironbite-X is his obsession and it'll just not work


Active member
So he's throwing away over a decade of brand recognition because he has some fetish about the letter x Seriously .. one that merged with the company that created PayPal, not the NEW one), SpaceX and now renaming Twitter to X, not to mention the name of his kids X and Exa.

Trying to think of another example of such willful jettisoning of brand recognition. Granted, Twitter's brand name isn't exactly healthy or good nowadays, but still. Maybe Radioshack being like "Hey, we're The Shack now."


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
At least 'The Shack' had some connection to the original name... X is just out of left field and has no connection at all to the product. Even ol' Zuck had the sense to only rename the parent company Meta and not the product itself.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Trying to think of another example of such willful jettisoning of brand recognition. Granted, Twitter's brand name isn't exactly healthy or good nowadays, but still. Maybe Radioshack being like "Hey, we're The Shack now."
Netflix changing their DVD rental service to "Qwikster" comes to mind. 'Course, they had enough sense to abandon it when enough people told them what a dumb idea it was.

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