The US Supreme Court and its decisions

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
How much does the NRA contribute to campaigns? Aren't they currently in Bankrupcy?

That's long been a bogeyman of the left, but data shows that the country is usually pretty close to a 50/50 split on the issue. Generally pro guns folks are more passionate about it as an issue than anti gun folks.

Here is an interesting article about how polls on the issue tend to not fully intersect with reality.

There is a huge portion of the gun owning/supporting population, that are not going to advertise there support, answer pollsetc regarding it. They do not want to stand out, or end up on a list.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Fun fact: There's actually a left-leaning gun association called the Socialist Rifle Association, you just never really hear about it ever. (I only know about it cause of a few folks on a Discord chat I'm in.) is their site I believe?

And last I heard of the NRA, they did declare bankruptcy, but were reforming and re-chartering in a different state.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
Fun fact: There's actually a left-leaning gun association called the Socialist Rifle Association, you just never really hear about it ever. (I only know about it cause of a few folks on a Discord chat I'm in.) is their site I believe?

And last I heard of the NRA, they did declare bankruptcy, but were reforming and re-chartering in a different state.

The LGBTQ community is also usually much more pro gun than many people think, just usually less vocal about it.


too old for this
That's long been a bogeyman of the left, but data shows that the country is usually pretty close to a 50/50 split on the issue. Generally pro guns folks are more passionate about it as an issue than anti gun folks.

Here is an interesting article about how polls on the issue tend to not fully intersect with reality.

There is a huge portion of the gun owning/supporting population, that are not going to advertise there support, answer pollsetc regarding it. They do not want to stand out, or end up on a list.

. . . . a silent majority, you say? Hmm, wonder how that'll work out this time.

In all seriousness, I do question how much lobby spending the NRA is doing at this time. Wayne LaPierre has pretty much run the ol girl into the ground. What do they have to lobby with aside from their name and endorsement?


Well-known member
Not even sure how Sotomayor reached that conclusion on this case. Like at all.

Ironbite-sounds like she just gave away ammo is all she did.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
That seems like a massive leap by Sotomayor, but I don't know. Newsweek didn't link to the ruling or the rebuttal.

I give Newsweek an F on this one.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
While we should be concerned, it's a bit of a stretch in this case. The person in question was not a citizen, his wife was. If anything this would only affect same sex/trans couples if one of the members happens to be a non-citizen. Still bad, but not Obergefell's on it's last legs bad.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The take away point: if they're willing to do it to them, it's only time till they're willing to do it to you.


Now with hi-res avatar!
They're willing to do it now. What they're waiting for is the right time and excuse to get away with it.


too old for this
Yeah, no this is not the end of same sex marriage. While Sotomayor's dissent does mention that same sex couples, it is in reference to the difficulties they will face with multinational marriages where one spouse isn't allowed to enter America.

The circumstances here are very specific and it will be a massive stretch to attempt to use this to do anything other than what was applied here.
I'm really not worried about this one.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon


Fabulously Foxy Dragon



Well-known member
DOOZY of a day today.

Federal agency regulations gutted-

Police can punish you for being homeless-

January 6th terrorists do not qualify for "OBSTRUCTION" charges.

really emphasizing just how pointless it is whatever geriatric stumbles across the finish line five months from now.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
It doesn't
DOOZY of a day today.

Federal agency regulations gutted-

Police can punish you for being homeless-

January 6th terrorists do not qualify for "OBSTRUCTION" charges.

really emphasizing just how pointless it is whatever geriatric stumbles across the finish line five months from now.
Not pointless, it just makes it more imperative that we take both houses as well as the presidency.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
The Supreme Court, I’ve rabidly come to the conclusion is like the worse part of our House of Lords (being a load of unelected-for-life lawmakers) but with its powers greatly magnified to almost dictatorial levels. It seems to be a terrifying system to live under.

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