The Weird Dream Thread!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Okay, a couple nights ago, I dreamed about Ord, Nebraska. There is not much notable about Ord, except that it is roughly in the center of Nebraska, and it rhymes with "bored". I lived there when I was 8-10 years old, around 1989-1991. I found my original trio of Insecticons at a garage sale there, and remember a hardware store had a new-old-stock Scourge that I was not allowed to buy. The Ord library was particularly nice, with a well-stocked children's section. Maybe the most memorable thing to me is that it was the last place I felt safe walking or riding my bike around as a kid by myself, but I haven't had much, if any, thought about Ord in years.

So in the dream, my wife and I were traveling and somehow wound up in Ord. We stopped at a HyVee (largest local grocery chain), and my wife was unusually giddy to check it out, despite the fact that it was clearly under renovation and very chaotic and messy inside. When I finally got her out of the store, I thought I would show her some of the places I remembered as a kid, but everything had changed. There were factories and skyscrapers, something like a cross between Biff Tannen's 1985 Hill Valley and Blade Runner. I remember feeling vaguely unsettled, like things were somewhat dystopian and we were attracting too much attention as outsiders. And about there is where I woke up.


This is how a unicorn comments
I was on a campus I think. I needed to shower but there were no towels. There was a line of people trying to get towels. I phased through the locked office door and began to search the back areas. I found a big room where towels were being washed. Full of staff. I got to the back and saw a towel on the wall. Two men were there guarding them. I phased through the wall to the outside. I could see through the wall and see what they were doing. I grabbed the towel through the wall which alerted the two men. I began to walk around the building, going past an open counter area where they could pass stuff out. One of the guys figured out someone took it through the wall, and ran to the counter area and saw me, knowing it was me. He called me over and I ended up giving it back. He then asked if we wanted to make out. We kissed for a second before I went. "Hey wait a minute. I'm not into guys. Something weird is going on." I then picked up a cup and charged it with magical energy. I threw it down on the counter, and everything rippled.

"I knew it! This is a magical simulation!" I then charged an orange/pinkish orb of energy in my hand and yelled "Spell break!" Throwing it on the ground, causing the world around us to shake and shift. I know the guys tried to stop me, but I think I had a partner who also got stuck in the simulation fight them. I jumped up and began to charge a much MUCH larger orb of energy. I then yelled. "Bowser!" And for some reason Bowser was there and he began to charge an orb just as big. We threw our orbs down and the world began to crack. Energy leaked through the cracks and the world crumbled. I then found myself in the Crystal Empire of pony. A witch girl is trapped in my energy crater I made with the orb. The one who created the simulation. She was upset at being captured but took a win for something she did, but I can't recall. Then the lead girl of Lycoris Recoil the anime showed up.

I think the partner who helped me in the simulation was her friend. In the simulation I know at some point we lost contact with Lycoris recoil girl, but turns out she was never pulled into the simulation in the first place, so the person we lost was just a simulation copy of her.

No idea what any of that was about. These are my dreams.

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