I finally installed a shader pack for Minecraft yesterday, as part of my ongoing effort to get the most out of my new PC. Unfortunately Iris, the mod it runs on, causes the game to hang every couple seconds in fullscreen mode now, but for some reason it's fine if I just maximize the window, so I guess I'll be doing that for a while.
I also did some exploring to fill out the one map in my grid I hadn't made yet. I found a huge village full of hard-working people, which I quickly made a banner for and dubbed "Big Town." It also had an orange cat and a calico cat that I was able to corner and tame, bringing my personal sidequest to own one of each type of cat and name them after pop culture references* that much closer to completion. I also found, and then lost, a ruined nether portal that I felt was a decent candidate for fixing up and activating. By the time I found it again, I was no longer sure why—it was in the middle of a swamp pretty far from any other points of interest—but I had already brought the obsidian and I'd gone to so much trouble to find it again, so in for a penny and all that.
I went through; it spawned me within eyeshot of the viaduct-looking top part of a nether fortress. I thought, well, I already have one of those close to my main portal—the inside parts conveniently cover most of the distance between that one and the portal to my desert pyramid base—but at least it's another place to farm for wither skulls and blaze rods. I had to block off a lava flow that was blocking the only path forward, and then I encountered some four-way junctions that already had a bunch of torches hanging on the corners. Which seemed odd, but I'd also never seen the structure they were attached to before, like the frame of a roofless gazebo.
And then I saw it:
the ladder I had run all up one of the pillars. It was the same fortress the whole time. I just hadn't been up to that part of it in ages. The lava flow must have been what had stopped me from exploring further, not that it would have taken me anywhere interesting before the portal had spawned in. I now have convenient access to both of my bases from this portal in a swamp in the middle of nowhere. I also love trying new games, and here is one
site which helped me to find a good platform to try!
* Incidentally, I'm still stuck for what to name a few of them. So far the list is Heathcliff (orange), Sassy (Siamese), Pyewacket (black), Pangur Ban (white), Mehitabel (cream), and Figaro (socks). That leaves the calico, brown tabby, light gray, gray-and-white, and the weird pattern the game calls "ragdoll." Any ideas?