This ruined my day


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
And it must now ruin yours.

time flies.png

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
it's been over 30 years since DS9 Started. The girl who played Molly O'brian is now older than the Actress who played her mom at the time...

..okay that's not true, but you were worried for a second there ...


Eorzean Idiot
My first feel old moment was when I found out the Transformers cartoon I watched as a kid was old enough to be considered the "classic " series. This was 25 years ago.


Was Megatron right?
Well - Hana Hatae (Molly O) is 36-ish. I should be used to stuff like that now, but I'm not.

Apropos of nothing, Bumper Robinson was a teenage Jem Hadar. (...and now that I typed that out, it sounds like a movie...)

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