Thundercats - General Discussion (and some Silverhawks too, whynot)

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Preorders for toy styled Quicksilver, Steelhart, MonStar and Buzzsaw are up. Along with the vac metal styling, both the Silverhawks lose a number of accessories. MonStar gets a new alternate head and deco, but fewer overall accessories. Same with Buzzsaw (new deco, new alt head, but overall fewer accessories).
All for a $10 increase. Except MonStar, who maintains his price, but again, loses a number of accessories.

Even at the “original” price point, I had reservations on double dipping on this line. Which is frustrating because I feel a greater attachment to the toys than cartoon. I think the vac metal and differing shades of blue across most of the cast made for more visually interesting looks. And I love the “badge” Kenner added to the left breast of the team. MonStar I’m pretty content to leave be. The new head isn’t that compelling, and the deco isn’t THAT much a change. And if I wanted a “basic” MonStar, Super7 already has a full figure covered with anything I could want. The Hawks will have to be left behind, though Quicksilver is on the high “maybe” list (that vac metal just looks SO SHARP). I just don’t feel comfortable double dipping at this price. That, and I’m a bit miffed to see a “repaint wave” WITH a price increase after waiting well over a year past the original ship date for most of the figures to begin with

About the only sure preorder for me is Buzzsaw. I skipped his first version, and the toy colors just pop so much. Though, seeing a “repaint wave” so early gives me concern about the longevity of this line. I’m really just hoping they finish CopperKid before they give up at this stage, though I’d certainly drop the money for a Miraj for this crew.


Koopaling Aficionado
Yeah on one habd I really dig the vacmetal look but im not really looking to double dip. Except with Buzzsaw, he was always one of those I prefered the toy look better than the show look (which is almost never the case for me!).

But Im definitely going to buy him at BBTS. I need to spread the love a bit more.

Brian Flynn said Copper Kid and his space cycle is gonna be in wave 5 (I dont recall if he said he was the entirety of wave 5 or not tho)

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator

In a Fwoosh interview, Brian Flynn remarked on the next wave of Silverhawks (which seems to be JUST the Copper Kid and Cycle set) as well as Tigersharks being on the docket…though probably not until 2025


...even Team Whirl.
Did I read this right?


In 2002, ThunderCats titles were published by Wildstorm Productions, an imprint of DC Comics, with a series of series and one shits overseen by ThunderCats fan Jim Lee. Ten years later, Marvel UK/Panini Comics began publishing a new series in the United Kingdom to tie-in with the then-new television series.

The art looks like Boris Vallejo stuff I used to see in the Science Fiction Book Club ads when I was growing up. And a little like Wolverine, too.


Koopaling Aficionado
Yeah I bought the Wildstorm comics, they varied wildly in quality, but were largely pretty interesting.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Dynamite is doing a new ThunderCats comic!

Along with Powerpuff Girls, Flintstones, Space Ghost, Johnny Quest, Wizard of Oz, and We Bare Bears. I guess DC wasn't interested in any of that?
It’s a money play. Why print stuff like that in house when you can get PAID by someone to handle the work for you. Dynamite gets access to major IPs that might do well for the smaller company, and WB has legacy IPs get some exposure they probably wouldn’t be getting otherwise. Even Marvel ended up partnering with IDW for the younger audience Marvel and Star Wars books.

And recently, Star Wars ended up being RE-licenced to Dark Horse, rather than continue in house publishing.
Yeah I bought the Wildstorm comics, they varied wildly in quality, but were largely pretty interesting.
I got the “Return” trade paperback when I was in college. I was entertained at the time, but that mini-series, in particular, was really playing on the “Violence and titillation equals mature” trend that afflicted almost all the 80s revival brands at the time.


Koopaling Aficionado
Super7 has put up their preorders for wave 10 of Thundercats.

Kind of a lackluster wave for me. MummRa feels more like he would have been an exclusive of some kind, and Kid LionO does nothing for me. QuickPick is a great design, but not someone Im spending money on, but Snarfer is a must have, as much as it pains me to spend that kind of money on him.

Also Snarf and Ratar-O came in for me this week. Both are solid, as usual, but Im a bit sad Snarf cant lean forward on his tail like he does in the intro.


Koopaling Aficionado


Eorzean Idiot
Wait...they're wearing clothes on the ship from Thundara to Third Earth? This comic is crap. It totally disrespects the original lore. I can not, in good conscience, support this travesty.

Does anyone have an Amazon link so I can preorder this for Kindle? I can't seem to find it.


Well-known member
I don't think the listing is up yet on Amazon. The book doesn't come out until February 7, so they've got a few weeks to get it up.


Koopaling Aficionado
Glad to finally see the interior art. Im digging most of what I see (except Kit's hair) and looking forward to the book!


Eorzean Idiot
I just love anything that keeps the franchise alive at this point. Once I'm able to preorder it on ComiXology, I absolutely intend to get it.


Well-known member
Well, the first issue of the Thundercats comic is now out! I'd leave a Amazon link for the digital version of the book, but I can't seem to find it on the site, proper. It must be up there somewhere, though.

And it's....okay. It's solid. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, but it didn't blow me away either. It's just a perfectly solid first issue that summarizes the Thundercats concept and backstory. There is a bit of a twist by the end, but it's not much of one, yet. I think I would compare it to IDW's Beast Wars comic. It's biggest sin is probably playing things a little too safe.

Still, it's just kind of fun to see these characters again. And the art's solid. There's a few nice moments. But, this does feel like mostly set up. Maybe future issues will really mix things up. As it stands, this is actually pretty faithful to the original cartoon....for good and for bad. I was kind of hoping that there'd be a little extra "something" that pushes this over the top for me, but it's just fine, for now.

I will say, I'm not sure why they even bothered to change WilyKit and Tigra's hair as much as they did. Everyone else looks so close to their original designs, that they kind of feel a little out of place.

And the dialogue is a little stiff. But, I think that's on purpose. I think the writer is trying to either make them sound like "knights", or more like their original cartoon selves. It's something that I noticed, but it doesn't bother me too much, yet.

They're playing up Lion-O still having the mind of a child a little more, in this version. So far, it's just reminding us that it's a plot point, moreso than anything he actually does, for right now. They might focus more on that in future issues.

Tigra and Cheetara seem to have a little flirty thing going on. It's cute.

One thing that's unique to this version, the Thundercats seem to have the instincts and desires of actual cats, a little more? Tigra is out hunting rabbits for dinner. It's something that I kind of hope they flesh out a little more in future issues.

And the big twist that I mentioned before is....The Sword of Omens is shattered! It's...nothing we haven't seen before, actually. I think it actually happened a couple of times in the original cartoon. And I KNOW it happened in "Mumm-Ra Lives part 2". So, either they'll "simply" reforge it after a quest...or maybe they'll turn it into a completely different weapon. I'd actually be okay with changing it into the "Claw of Omens" or something, if they wanted.

Oh, and Mumm-Ra already knows about and has been interacting with Jaga's ghost. I'm pretty sure they're still enemies, but it feels a little odd that they're already aware of each other. This COULD lead to something. Maybe they're both manipulating things behind the scenes against each other? We'll have to see where they go with it.


Wondering bot
I'll likely wait for the comic to be collected into a tradepaper back, if I remember it exists, that was my mind set for TF when IDW 1.0 ended and I stopped getting the comics, but then I never even bothered!

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