Thundercats - General Discussion (and some Silverhawks too, whynot)


Eorzean Idiot
Because I love doing stupid jive like this...


I just got this from E-Bay today (which is what started me on taking these pictures and posting them).


Here's my toy collection.


My media collection: The entire 80's show on DVD and the first part of the 2011 season (I do have the entire season off of iTunes.
As far as I know, these are all of the WildStorm comics. I'd be devastated to know if I missed any, so please don't tell me.


My one Thundercats Comixology comic.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Though I don't plan to get Mon-Starr, I am now much more seriously contemplating the throne, to use with Pinky and the Brain. Brain deserves some recognition. There's no chance he'd actually FIT on it right, but still...

Pinky: "Brain, even *I* can see this isn't a good idea."
Brain: "Nonsense, Pinky! Now change the orbit of the planetoid so that the light of the Moon Star may flood my throne! Moon Star of Limbo..."
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Koopaling Aficionado
Double whammy of news today!

We're finally getting a full replica of the Sword of Omens! Its $600 tho!

In less wallet-destroying news, Super7 is teasing their next wave of Thundercats Ultimates with a view of Mandora! With waves 2 and 4 looking to ship very soon (and the reprints of LionO and Panthro already hitting some online shops) glad to see Super7 get their mojo back. Now heres hoping for some Lunatacks. And Snarf dammit!


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Koopaling Aficionado
Mandora and her bike are Wave 5.5. Both can be bought individually, but her bike alone is $150.



Koopaling Aficionado
I got the billing request for BBTS for my Thundercats wave 4 figures today! If you've got any open preorders, keep your eyes on your inboxes and bank accounts.


Eorzean Idiot
What Superomegaprime said. It came with a golden Lion-O.


Koopaling Aficionado
Super7 has once again graced us with yet another Silverhawks Ultimates wave to preorder.

This wave consists of Stargazer, Hotwing, Mumbo Jumbo and MoLekULar.

Definitely gonna grab Hotwing and probably Stargazer.


Koopaling Aficionado
Super7 revealed, then retracted the 6th wave of Thundercats Ultimates. We're looking at a full wave of LJN styled figures of MummRa, LionO Monkian and Cheetara.

Looks like I'm saving money this wave as this holds zero interest for me. I hope that isnt a detriment to doing things like this in the future, I just feel that this concept is better applied once per wave while still advancing the core characters. I'm getting impatient for Lunatacks.


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Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I have been hoping their newest round might include a sarcophogus, but it looks like yesterday's release was more Toxic Crusader stuff. Oh, well.

I still think their glow in the dark Mumm-Ra was my favorite, it works even as a 'generic mummy', and I got it because I liked the design a lot more than the traditional 'Universal Monsters' look.


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I’m not sure if it is a good or bad thing BBTS sent the notice about a delay on Silverhawks. Eases on my summer budget…but now I got to wait longer for them!

Wave 1 seemed to get bumped to October, wave 2 to January, and 3 has slipped into the nebulous “1st Quarter 2023”

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
So Super7 has a 'Snow Mountain' Lion-O Ultimate, that changes from 'frozen to death' blue to normal colors depending on light.


I *TOLD* you all Lion-O was secretly Zartan! No one beleived me! Everyone just insisted he was probably just Shockwave the whole time but I WAS RIGHT-<cut for space, this conspiracy rant goes on for a while> -which prooves that Mumm-Ra and Mon-Starr were the SAME GUY TOO...


Eorzean Idiot
I would have actually liked to see how you got from A to Z.

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