Okay, so I am catching up now.
I watched the last two Jodi episodes, and quite frankly the pirate one was just weird while the last one was just convoluted. I am really glad that we got Davies back writing this again. However, back to her last episode I liked seeing all the old companions back again. Ace was awesome and Graham coming back was a huge surprise! Speaking of Surprises, IAN! Freaking IAN was back!

I love the whole former companion support group. Loved how they used the cybermaster's energies to regenerate the doctor back into her normal form. Also, why doesn't Unit have any weapons able to take down cybermen? Not too sure who the Master was able to kill her this time, other than he bumped one of the being's attacks on the planet into her.
Special 1:
I love that he gets immediately thrown right into Donna and her family, and there is suddenly an alien ship crash landing in London once again! Donna giving away her lottery winnings was great, and I loved how she blames the Doctor for that when she comes back. The meep and the wraiths were neat. I caught the whole not damaging the car bit as they made their escape. I love to see the shadow proclamation getting invoked again. I love the whole joke about her Grandfather not being with them anymore, "He's 94, he can't manage the stairs!" My one big gripe about this came at the end when they said that they thought about how to get rid of the whole doctorodonna energy in a way that his male brain couldn't, by just giving it up. I just take offense at that, as the Doctor would have surely had done something that simple to save his friend rather than what he ended up doing. I think a better explanation would be now that there were two of them, they could slowly dissipate the energy. And what happened to Rose afterward?
Special 2:
First off, this was a great suspense/horror episode. The mysterious and abandoned space ship outside the edge of the universe, the weird reconfiguring, the old robot, and then we get the duplicators from the nothing. Very creepy, and then we get the whole game of who is the real one, and the final realization that the ship was on a slow countdown to self-destruct. It was just a great episode. I love how the Doctor pondered where the Tardis goes when it leaves. Also digging how he is still trying to figure out who he is.
Then we get the best return yet! Wilfred Mott is one of my favorite characters in Doctor Who, and the fact that they got him back for the end of this special just makes me so freaking happy. I am so sad that Benard Cribbins has passed away, but at least he got one last go in the role. I hope that he is in the next episode as well.