Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who


Well-known member
If "has to take a trip in the TARDIS" is a requirement; then that means Richard Nixson is also a Companion then, yes?


Well-known member
It feels like Craig doesn't count because he was never in the TARDIS; Nixon takes /at least/ two trips in the TARDIS to help the Doctor.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I think that the requirement is that the Doctor invites them to join him on his/her adventures. Like I would count Kylie as a companion but she dies so very quickly.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I am in agreement with G.B., I think there's a very fine line in Who between 'companion' and 'recurring character'. Take The Brigadier, for instance: appeared in several seasons, alongside several Doctors, and is someone I think the Doctor would consider a good friend. But was he a companion? How much did he really travel with the Doctor, versus calling the Doctor in when UNIT needed outside expertise (five rounds rapid wasn't cutting it) ?


Well-known member
I consider the Brig a companion. Same with Benton and Yates, even if Yates never traveled in the TARDIS on TV.


NOT a New Member.


Wondering bot
Its a OK verison, but clearly a remix of the older verisons, but it feels kind of underwheming, makes me wonder who doing the music for this new era of Doctor Who, last I checked Murray Gold stopped doing Doctor Who and in the few eps of Jode's era I watched, the music was forgettable and very genetic/bland, while with Murray you had some great pieces like these:



Well-known member
Its a OK verison, but clearly a remix of the older verisons, but it feels kind of underwheming, makes me wonder who doing the music for this new era of Doctor Who, last I checked Murray Gold stopped doing Doctor Who and in the few eps of Jode's era I watched, the music was forgettable and very genetic/bland, while with Murray you had some great pieces like these:
Murray Gold was brought back when RTD came back to be showrunner starting with these anniversary specials.


I’m not dead yet!
So some big things with the Magic the Gathering decks they just came out with.
1) River Song, like the Brigadier doesn’t get the Doctors Companion ability
2) She’s only included in the Deck with 12, 13, and the Fugitive Doctor. When most of her time in the series was with 11 that feels wrong.
3) likewise with Clara and Kate Stewart.
4) Where the heck is Captain Jack! The Face of Boe doesn’t count!


Well-known member
So some big things with the Magic the Gathering decks they just came out with.
1) River Song, like the Brigadier doesn’t get the Doctors Companion ability
2) She’s only included in the Deck with 12, 13, and the Fugitive Doctor. When most of her time in the series was with 11 that feels wrong.
3) likewise with Clara and Kate Stewart.
4) Where the heck is Captain Jack! The Face of Boe doesn’t count!

Captain Jack might be off limits given how John Barrowman ran afoul of the Me Too movement.


I’m not dead yet!
Ah wasn’t aware of that until just now. And Yeesh, reading up on his idea of “exuberant behavior “ it’s a wonder how he got work at all.


NOT a New Member.
Please excuse me if this is region-blocked.

Title for alternative searches - "David Tennant Films the Regeneration - The Power of the Doctor"

And as the BBC is going mad for all things Who:

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