Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who


Well-known member
It does feel.. odd to be introducing this right at the end yeah. Like.. I guess it wouldn't be the first companion that pined over a doctor who then went into a regeneration but like.. I dunno.

I dunno if they even will go back to a guy for the next regen. It would be a twist on the romance part and add drama, unless shes bi, but I feel like BBC would get dragged into the firery pits of news media hell if they "went backwards" making the next doctor a dude, even if they weren't a white dude.

And yet, I can see them still doing it in an 'extreme' course correction maneuver. I'd rather it not, but if they did and kept Yaz, the above plotline would at least be something that would still keep them progressive and relatable. Its something that people can come across, they fall in love with someone who ends up realizing their transgender, and how that would effect them, if it would effect them. But only if its handled well, and RTD isn't terrible when it comes to that. I don't have 100% trust; but I never really hated his stuff (not even Last of the Time Lords).


Well-known member
It does feel.. odd to be introducing this right at the end yeah. Like.. I guess it wouldn't be the first companion that pined over a doctor who then went into a regeneration but like.. I dunno.

I dunno if they even will go back to a guy for the next regen. It would be a twist on the romance part and add drama, unless shes bi, but I feel like BBC would get dragged into the firery pits of news media hell if they "went backwards" making the next doctor a dude, even if they weren't a white dude.
It's not really only now that it's being introduced. Yaz's mom was suspicious of this very thing back during 13's first year. It's just developing over the long haul, which is probably how such things SHOULD be done.

But, yeah, I'm pretty much "done" with "companion in love with the Doctor" storylines, myself.


Well-known member
This runs the risk of opening up the old can of worms, but it makes the point I was making with actual facts, rather than simply oblique references. From the latest DWM:
With an average audience of 4.95 million, this (Series 13) run is marginally down on the equivalent 5.4 million for Jodie Whittaker's second series in 2020. However, the chart positions for Flux have been much more encouraging. Last time, we saw some episodes charting outside of the top 30, whereas no episode of Flux fell anywhere near as low. Indeed, Series 12's average chart placing was 25th, while Series 13's was 17th. That suggests that, while Doctor Who's ratings have dropped slightly since 2020, the competition is generally dropping much faster. This is borne out when we look at other specific long-running shows.

Full disclosure: The article also points out that this season saw an episode with Doctor Who's lowest viewer numbers since the 2005 reboot. Ironically, that episode was ranked in the top 20 (at 18th) while several later episodes in the season ranked lower (still all within the top 30, as mentioned above), albeit with high actual viewer numbers.

The Nth Doctor

Holy jive.... I was really expecting them to play it extra super safe after Jodie, but wow, good on them!

Like, I don't know anything about this actor, so maybe he's a safer bet than it seems from my uninformed American perspective, but I'm impressed.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
RTD is the show runner for his season? Wow.

Is the new Doctor going to play like his Sex Education character? If he is, it's going to be quite interesting.


Well-known member
No objections here in the slightest, though I am a little surprised that they didn't have another woman in the role. Then again, we've had two excellent female incarnations of the Doctor in the last couple years (hobbled by bad writing, but played by good actresses), so another man taking up the role isn't an issue.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's a shame Jodie never got a fair chance to have even remotely well written stories for her. Chibnall needed to go from the very start and now that he's gone she didn't have to be part of the package. But it is what it is.

Hopefully RTD can retcon/undo that Timeless Child garbage because if that stays in canon it still undermines everything about Doctor Who that came before it - an eccentric genius who bucked the system and took off to know the universe.


Slightly Off
I think the best solution to the Timeless Child stuff is to just not bring up the Timeless Child stuff.
But we do need to figure out where the Fugitive Doctor fits in, because she's the only salvageable part of that entire plot.

The Nth Doctor

Hell, in the classic run, it's implied that, by Time Lord standards, the Doctor wasn't even that much of a genius. Kind of a middling student who never cared much for hands-off academia.

That's honestly one of the things that always drew me into the character. To the Time Lord's the Doctor was no one special until they chose to put their inherent skills to work.... A lesson that would be passed on to companions (and the audience) that even 'no one special' can make a difference.

That's my probably overly idealistic take on it anyway.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
I feel like RTD won't bother retconning The Timeless Child and the whole thing will just never be mentioned during his second era.

(And, to be honest, I feel like some reveal on the same level of TTC was kind of inevitable with how Modern Who likes to portray the Doctor as basically being some super important space Jesus-type figure sometimes as opposed to 'some Time Lord that just stole a TARDIS and fucked off from their home planet because they were bored and wanted to actually explore time and the universe instead of just observing it')


Immortal Maximal OC
It's a shame Jodie never got a fair chance to have even remotely well written stories for her. Chibnall needed to go from the very start and now that he's gone she didn't have to be part of the package. But it is what it is.

Hopefully RTD can retcon/undo that Timeless Child garbage because if that stays in canon it still undermines everything about Doctor Who that came before it - an eccentric genius who bucked the system and took off to know the universe.
She's going to be Nu-who's 6. And Just Like Colin, when she does her first Audio Adventure she's going to knock it out of the part. I blame Chibnall for it because he's never been able to write sci-fi well.


Wondering bot
I'm remaining open minded about this but I got no clue who the actor is or how to say their name, which I think could work against them, however, I have my doults, under the outgoing showrunner, the show has been boring as heck, I gave Jode's first season a chance but quit after the Kablamman ep, they said there be changes for her second season, I came back for the two partner and found NOTHING had changed, it was the same boring cast of characters, a boring Master, a plot that made no sense and didn't really go anywhere, aside from try and promote a woman forgotten by history, it was then, I was out and waiting for the replacement, I'll give RTD second run a chance but if its not entertaining or gripping, I'll likely stop watching again and not come back!!

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