TMM Hungers: The Next Course

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
So, I've had the Zoids High-end Model Masters series Gojulas for a while now. Never manged to get my hands on the Gojulas Cannon set, it was either sold out or jacked up to way more than I was willing to pay. The Cannons got reprinted recently, and I got a set off BBTS. Now, I figured they'd be pretty big, since the Gojulas itself is a pretty substantial kit. It even outweighs both of my Perfect-grade Gundams. But, uh...


......dem's some big guns. (High-grade Gundam Aerial Rebuild for scale.)

Also, rather annoyingly, the Cannon instructions don't include how to actually attach the damn things, which you'd think would be included in an add-on set. Not too hard to figure out, just annoying.


Now he looks like he's ready to blow jive up. The downside is that my Gojulas has been sitting for a while and some of the mid-torso joints are a little loose, so he tips back a little with the extra weight, but I can tighten that up later.


Eorzean Idiot
I tend to stay clear of any dog that I don't know. But it always irritates me how pitbull owners in particular are always immediately vilified on just about every judge show. If they're leashed, fenced or inside the house, leave the owners alone!


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
one of the few things about BDSP i liked is that i built my team in it to hard counter her team bc i didn't want to get my ass kicked by her over and over like in Diamond... and actually struggled with the elite four before curbstomping her.

like, hell, aaron gave me more trouble than cynthia in my playthrough. THAT'S THE POWER OF BUGS, BITCH


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
you know how horrorcore rap is a thing? there should be mithrilcore rap.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

Finally got my hands on a kit I've been after for a while, the Master-grade Sengoku Astray. And then added a third party set of extra swords. Because two wasn't enough, if they're gonna give it extra arms, it needs enough swords for them all, damnit.

Of course, now it has more swords than hands. Hrm.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
I feel like that is what Musha Gundam wanted to be/should have been, but enough bonkers design juice hadn't escaped the G Gundam containment zone yet at the time.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Group them up. Musha Gundam is the tank, Sengoku Astray is the fighter, now we need a ranged attacker that fits the samurai theme. Maybe Rising Gundam?

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