Tomb Raider- beat it on PC
Tomb Raider II - beat it on PC
Tomb Raider III - played on PC, but it was a buggy mess and I just gave up on it. This was before the times of patches.
Last Revelation - Beat it on PC
Chronicles - Wouldn't run on my PC, so I returned it. By the time I got a backwards compatible PS2, it was so antiquated that I just couldn't play it. Mostly got it to complete the collection.
Angel of Darkness - By the time I got my PS2, there were much better TR games. This was an even buggier mess than III and deserves the ridicule it received.
Legend - beat it on Gamecube and PS3
Anniversary - beat it on Gamecube and PS3
Underworld - beat it on PS3. It got some flak for being buggier than Legend and Anniversary. And is actually was pretty buggy. But I stuck with it because it finished the story of the other two.
Tomb Raider (second reboot) - finished on PS3.
Rise - finished on PS4.
Shadow - I have it on PS5 thanks to PS+. But I have to be honest...
I really just haven't had as much fun with the reboot.
With the classics, there was suspense. There was definitely action. Some might say that there were some horror moments here and there.
But there was also humor. Lara was a cheeky kind of explorer who loved what she did. The bad guys may get the drop on her, but you knew she'd get the upper hand in the end. And by the look in her eyes, you knew that she knew it too.
The reboot just seems all about maintaining stress while putting Lara through as much hell as possible.