Okay, here we go. You knew it was coming. In fact, I'm surprised it took me this long.
Core/Eidos collection. Far right column is PC. Middle column is PS1/PS2. Yes, I got a PS1 version of TR 3 since Page 1. Far left, I found an Ebay listing that was cheaper to get TR1 and TR3 together than any of the other TR 3 solo listings. So I have an extra copy of TR1 with no case, no instruction manual if anyone is interested.
Crystal Dynamics collection. Yes, that's the expensive collectors edition of Tomb Raider. I still display the figure on my collection shelf.
Digital games. Survivor series is via PS+. I don't really care to have a physical copy of Shadow. I played it for a little bit and it was just kinda, meh!
I don't remember ever seeing any actual toys back in the day. So this was my own person "close enough."
Seperate pic for the POP figure because I keep forgetting I own it.
Yeah, I'm not to proud to use guides. Particularly the old games can be hard as balls!
Comics. Not a huge fan of Witchblade, but hey! Throw in some Tomb Raider with her...
And of course there were movies. Daniel Craig before he was Bond.