Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I mean, that did get coverage in 2016. When the accuser flaked out. Multiple times. No showed an announced press conferences Etc. If there had been even the slightest hint of credibility the press would've happily ran with it.

Given Trump's...proclivities...I'm still quite willing to believe that Trump was into the same shady junk as Epstein. It still would NOT surprise me if Trump (or an associate) was involved in Epstein's highly suspicious "suicide".

But until someone reliable comes forth. that's all this will remain...suspicions.


too old for this
And it matters not. Unless there's video of him diddling a child, Trump appears to be teflon when it comes to allegations of sexual assault/rape. At least in the court of public opinion. Obviously he's had less luck in civil court.
But, my point is that his followers simply don't care. They'll hand wave it away, claim it's BS or from biases sources, perform whatever mental gymnastics are necessary to ignore the fact that they're following a dedicated sexual predator.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
It's kind of fascinating that a politician can overcome a scandal by simply refusing to be embarrassed about it. Now, it's easy to say that this only applies to Trump, but I'm not so sure. Bush did the same thing with his war crimes: simply refuse to apologize or back down, and eventually people start normalizing it and acting as if it's OK.

Of course, Bush is a Republican just like Trump, so one could surmise that this technique only applies to Republicans, presumably because the Republican base has ... how should I put it ... a malleable attitude toward morality and the truth.
If we've learned anything from the wildly varying reactions to Biden's brain farts (losing his train of thought while speaking) and Trump's much more troubling brain farts (literally confusing two people that he's known for years, which is a classic sign of senility), it's that people think senile statements don't sound senile if you're confident and forceful when you're saying them.
The problem with treating Adolf Hitler like a cartoon villain is that once you think of someone as a cartoon character, then NOTHING a real person does will ever make you see the parallels, because a real person is not a cartoon character.

If you know your history, there are remarkably strong parallels between Trump and Hitler, but most people still think it's "over the top" to make that comparison, because you can't compare a real person to a cartoon villain.


jumbled pile of person
I call shenanigans on that last one. Living on the same planet as Donald Trump constantly makes me feel like I'm living in a cartoon.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.


Of course, Bush is a Republican just like Trump, so one could surmise that this technique only applies to Republicans, presumably because the Republican base has ... how should I put it ... a malleable attitude toward morality and the truth.
It's one of our long-held national double standards: IOKIYAR (It's OK If You're A Republican). The last GOP President with any sense of shame was Nixon.


jumbled pile of person
In fact, Trump being an actual living cartoon villain might be the whole problem. People see this ranting lunatic on the news all the time, acting like something they've only ever seen in cartoons or particularly bad movies, and can't bring themselves to fully believe it's real because they've been told over and over that people like that only exist in cartoons and particularly bad movies, and only someone who still thinks like a child would believe otherwise. So their brain makes up a different version of him who acts more like the mature adult they're conditioned to believe everyone over 25 or so automatically is.

Is it any wonder his most vocal opponents are us millennials, who suffer from arrested development more than any other generation in recorded history?

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Yes, it's true that Trump didn't write Project 2025, and it's also true that he probably didn't read it. He's so lazy and stupid that he didn't even read two-page national security briefings when he was president. The guy makes fun of people who read books, ffs. He doesn't read.

But Project 2025 was written by Trump sycophants and was heavily based on the things Trump says in his political rallies, so while he didn't write it himself, it's still an extension of his political movement. He knows it, and we know it.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Trump himself isn't the real major problem. Yes, he's a convicted felon, a racist, misogynistic, pathologically lying, narcissistic pile of festering jive, but if he gets back in, he'll make a few speeches and then hug off to his golf courses again in between grifts and publicity stunts. The major issue is who he'll bring with him into power. He'll flood the system with his sycophants, who in turn will bring their sycophants and followers. That's where the real problems will come from.

Of course, that still means keeping Trump out is the first step towards the country not sliding further into fascism.


too old for this
Pretty much. He's the figurehead, the attention keeper that keeps eyes from the real problems he'll allow to imbed themselves into the government.


jumbled pile of person
He did explicitly pledge to declare himself dictator on his first day on the job. Granted, I don't know how he expects to reconcile that with his desire to not have any responsibilities; maybe he'll establish a new legislature to replace Congress that consists only of the members of it that he liked, plus anyone he liked who didn't win.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
He did explicitly pledge to declare himself dictator on his first day on the job. Granted, I don't know how he expects to reconcile that with his desire to not have any responsibilities; maybe he'll establish a new legislature to replace Congress that consists only of the members of it that he liked, plus anyone he liked who didn't win.
No, because that's actual WORK, and trump doesn't put in effort. He's going to order his lickspittles to do that for him.

This is literally what I've been saying about trump for years: he's the organ grinders monkey, the thing we're SUPPOSED to pay attention to. We really do need to figure out whom the pickpocket in this dynamic is.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Who's rich enough to get his attention, willing to flatter him into compliance, and smart enough to escape the public eye while doing it? And has an agenda to push without any concern over who else it'll ruin in the process?

I wish that list wasn't so expensive.


too old for this
No, because that's actual WORK, and trump doesn't put in effort. He's going to order his lickspittles to do that for him.

This is literally what I've been saying about trump for years: he's the organ grinders monkey, the thing we're SUPPOSED to pay attention to. We really do need to figure out whom the pickpocket in this dynamic is.
We know that. Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo, Harlan Crow . . .
These individuals, their ilk, and their money have been pushing for what Trump delivered to them for decades. It's not an individual, it is absolutely a cabal of intensely rich psychotics who expect the nation to bow before their money and the power that comes from it.

They've been laying the foundation for Trump since Reagan. Honestly, it's telling just how much of their success comes when they hire outside political circles. They've clearly realized that celebrities are easier to elect than their politicians.


Well-known member

even if Biden stumbles across the finish line in November they're not going to accept the results.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
They don't have to accept it. If they want to try Jan 6 pt 2, they will fail even harder than last time. There won't be someone sitting in the Oval Office looking the other way this time.

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