Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


Tell me you've never genuinely smiled without telling me you've never genuinely smiled.

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jumbled pile of person
Not half as bad as I was expecting from the description. The dude who asked probably won't even consider it an unsatisfactory answer. I was expecting either a complete non-answer or even saying that his kids aren't working hard enough.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Counterpoint: Do more of this, JD. Keep going down this route. It will not end well for you, and that's the outcome we want.


jumbled pile of person
Mistaking something you stumbled across that's years old for something that was just posted is a tale as old as the internet... or at least as old as the internet having stuff that's years old. I remember a PSA comic about all the dumb mistakes people make on the internet, and that one was illustrated by someone finding an old news article about World War II and sharing it like it had just started.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Caught some of Trump's horrible press conference. Just about ever line coming out of his mouth was still a lie, but MAN did it sound like the wind had been knocked out of his sails. The tone of his voice almost sounded depressive, like the vile spark in his soul had been snuffed out.


jumbled pile of person
Oof. Who's old and tired now, old man?

Really looking forward to him bringing this same lack of energy to the next two debates.


Well-known member
He's so old and tired right now. He can't see a way out of this and its killing him. Since he got shot, he's made mistake after gaff after hug up and he knows it. If this was a business, he'd be declaring bankruptcy and walking away. But he can't from this.

Ironbite-couldn't happen to a worst member of the cast of Home Alone 2.


Well-known member

What a ******* horrible answer. An easy softball that might’ve humanized him in some way and his immediate response is “bogus questions from the media” and then back to being angry and miserable.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
He can't give a better answer because he's just like Trump. He has nothing but angry and miserable to run on. He has no humor that isn't cruelty, no warmth, no credible intelligence, he's nothing but bluster and bullshit.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon

From body cam footage apparently the assassination attempt got as far as it did just due to communications/security failure. Secret Service thought cops had the roof, cops thought Secret Service had it, comms sucked, etc. Nothing really new, just confirmation of what we all figured.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
The operative end goal for democrats is for the republicans to be massively divided or massively undecided. They need to split their own vote, or be so apathetic that they just ******* don't.

So far: it looks good. The cult is sundering.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Trump thinks he's so good at making up insulting nicknames for people, but all he ever does is just take someone's name and add one word to it. "Crooked Hillary", "Sleepy Joe", "Laughing Kamala" ... these are shitty nicknames.

In comparison, look at the nicknames Jimmy Kimmel has made up for Trump: Mar-a-Lardo, Darth Tax Evader, Commander in Thief, the Tangerine Twitter Machine, Nostra-Dumbass, Count Flatula, Dopey McGropey, The Shart of the Deal, Donnie D-Cups, Fattyshack, Trumpelstiltskin, Pumpkin McPornhumper ... these are examples of good derisive nicknames.
YouTube is full of videos of petty criminals where some Trump supporter will post a comment like "this is what happens when someone never heard the word 'no' growing up", as if Trump himself is not the PERFECT example of someone who never heard the word "no" growing up.

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