Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread


too old for this
The Rogan defection is pretty huge. This turns RFK from a potential democrat liability squarely into a GOP vote suck. Fantastic news.

As far as the insults go, it's less about how clever they are because, let's be honest, Trump isn't clever. No, it's about their hero lashing out at people they want an excuse to hate anyway.


jumbled pile of person
Is Rogan really such a big deal that his opinion could swing the election? I always got the impression that he was on the fringe even back when he was that guy with no strong opinions one way or the other about anything. A fringe moderate, if you will.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
He's more or less a watered down Alex Jones with more muscle and a huge following of incels. His opinion does matter to those young disaffected men who follow him. Him splitting with Trump could knock a couple of percentage points off of Trumps side, maybe even enough to cost Trump the election.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Tim Heidecker did a hilarious parody of Rogan's podcast a while back. He even got Rogan's posture and cadence down.



too old for this
Is Rogan really such a big deal that his opinion could swing the election? I always got the impression that he was on the fringe even back when he was that guy with no strong opinions one way or the other about anything. A fringe moderate, if you will.
Unfortunately, yes. Rogan really is that big of a deal in several circles. As stated, this could easily be what costs Trump the election. Had Rogan not been in his corner during the first go around Trump would not have nearly had the reach nor impact he did.

Rogan's podcast is straight up free advertising that reaches millions. He has a ton of influence in that 20s to 30s male audience who take his points and parrot them to anyone who would listen.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
For those who didn't understand why Trump misspelled "Kamala" as "Kamabla" more than once: deliberately mispronouncing and misspelling ethnic-sounding names is an old racist behaviour that I remember from my childhood in the 1970s. This is all about signalling to the racists that he's one of them.
Kamala Harris is not the affirmative-action candidate. Donald Trump is the affirmative-action candidate. His voting support is entirely based on the fact that he's a rich white man who's proud to be a rich white man.

That's why scandals have never hurt him, no matter how outrageous those scandals were, because none of those scandals affect his principal appeal: the fact that he's a rich white man who's proud to be a rich white man.

If his appeal were based on any of the things he claimed it was about, then his scandals would have affected him. He said he would wipe out the debt. He added $8 trillion to it in just 4 years. He said he would "drain the swamp" of corruption. He took money from foreign governments. He said he would defend democracy. He tried to undermine and defeat it. He said he would restore "family values". He's a serial adulterer, a rapist, an incestuous creep who ogled his own daughter, and probably even a pedophile.

He said he would be the most "transparent" president ever. He refused to release his financial records, he held closed-door meetings with Putin without a stenographer present, he made the White House visitor log secret, and he balked when a reporter asked if the Jeffrey Epstein files should be made public. He said rich people would "hate" his tax changes. They loved his tax changes. He said he would be the "law and order president". He's a convicted felon, many of his friends are in prison for money laundering and fraud, he appointed unqualified judges, and he demands immunity from the law.

None of these scandals and broken promises ever hurt him because none of these bogus claims were ever serious, and his base knew it. He's a rich white man who's proud to be a rich white man, and for a population which became accustomed to rich white men being apologetic about that fact, they saw that as a breath of fresh air. It's the only thing they really care to know about him. He's the affirmative-action candidate for rich white men, and they couldn't care less that he's a scumbag.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Yea, I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually starting to feel embarrassed FOR Trump. His attacks have become so lame and ineffective that it's beginning to seem more sad than dangerous. Gotta stay vigilant, though.

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