"Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back"
"Y'know, Death was very unfair to me. Told me my time was up, but that I could return if I beat him in a game of chess. I'm the best at chess, everyone knows that; none better than me. So Death makes his opening move, but rolls 3 doubles so he goes directly to jail, 'cause you know that's how the game is played, and I immediately send my Eric's across the board and say 'King me'. He tells me, death says, 'that's now how the game is played' but I tell him 'I invented the game, I should know', and he knows it's the truth. I make him a deal, no better deal maker than me, that if he lets me come back to life I'll send im CROOKed Hillary to torment for all time, and I won't tell anyone I beat death, and he ACCEPTS.
Death accepts my deal, because he knows a good deal when he sees one, and a good deal-maker."