Transformer RPG


Active member
I noticed that. I always like to be able to look over the kind of system/module I'm buying beforehand.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I really want to see a RPG system that tries to incorporate the tech spec numbers as player stats. I.E. Instead of D&D where it's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, you'd have Strength, Intelligence, Speed, Endurance, Rank, Courage, Firepowerblast and Skill.


I’m not dead yet!
Well They dropped more info last weekend during their online con. First video also includes the Deckbuilding game.


Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
A Power Rangers podcast I listen to checked out the Power Rangers RPG these guys did and said it was chock full of errors and mistakes (like contradictory rules and whatnot) and apparently their solution is "buy supplements", so they wound up requesting a refund. I'd recommend waiting until this is out before buying in.


Well-known member
Yeah, the sheer lack of information on their own page about the game makes me think that it's still being written and they haven't locked down the mechanics yet. Same with the MLP game. This may well be one of those cases where a company gets a license and then loses it a year later because all their product is crap.

(On a related note, the "Transformers but not but yes but not" game Commandroids finally arrived from Kickstarter fulfillment, and they forgot to put in the actual mechanics. Like, how dice rolling works. You have to infer it, and assume that stuff mentioned in the chargen section refers to differently named or unnamed things in the mechanics section. So many pages, and they couldn't spare any to explain the engine. I guess none of the playtest groups noticed because they already knew the engine from another game.)



I’m not dead yet!
Not so sure about that myself. They've had a running Power Ranger board game for 3 years now and even when they've messed up things they have been great about fixing their issues. Just got a reissue of Quantron figurines since their original packaging bent a lot of their Bat'leth like weapons. And I never requested a replacement set. And there have been times they've misprinted cards or things haven't gone the way they thought it would in wider play and sent out replacements to those who ordered their product directly from them.

That said I do think they aren't used to RPG's and it does show in the Ranger one.


Well-known member
I got the Commandroids RPG as well. It's interesting. I've only read a bit of the beginning because I got sidetracked with Dnd stuff I needed to read for a game this weekend but the part I've read is all just setting up the lore for what is essentially Transformers with everything shifted one step to the side. Which is predictable and derrivitive but some bits seemed fun or made me smile and it was what I expected and signed up for.

Hearing that the actual mechanics are not explained well makes me interested to read the rest because I havnt read the previous game they used the same system for and I'm very curious now if I'll understand how to play or not.

-ZacWilliam, I won't be too upset if I don't because I bought the book mostly just to have a TF based RPG without ever expecting to convince anyone to play it with me.

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