There's an argument to be made for and against it, and hell... I can't even decide if it's a sign of strength or weakness. On one hand it could be seen as a scaling back. On the other hand... it could be seen as opening an additional outlet and devoting more time and resources to it, which you don't do with a sick brand.The only things made to order should be restaurant meals and formal clothing. Screw that garbage.
Seems like the kind of thing you splurge on if you're happy where things are, from a corporate overlord perspective.
For me personally? I think it comes down to how it's used.
Big Convoy is a niche character as far as Hasbro's markets go. I dare say he's less popular than the Victory gang. I don't have any data to back that up, just a feeling.
So if they wanna do MTO stuff with him, or characters that operate on the same general level? Sure. Let's see how it goes.
If they start using it to gate off more desirable releases... that's when it becomes a problem IMO