Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
I keep reading it as HISS Truck and thinking it's a Cobra vehicle I've never heard of.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if there was some G.I. Joe story that saw Cobra creating their own gas station chain for some nefarious plot.


Continuity Nutcase
Actually, now that I think about it, there very well might have Cobra gas stations in G.I. Joe: Renegades, since Cobra in that show was a big corporation that had its fangs in almost every kind of business imaginable: pharmaceuticals, emergency services, shipping, retail, public transportation, you name it.


NOT a New Member.

The official image was mistransformed. This design actually looks pretty great.
Although I'm not a fan, I think this would be one of the few times that I think Notbots should have either been included with the set, or sold as an extra product, in similar packaging (and included in official pics on both toy's boxes).


Somehow still sane
Regular Optimus already has a lot of red. Adding a bit more red doesn't change him much.

I dunno, between that and the trailer being lame and a barren winter wasteland, not feeling it.

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