Transformers Legacy toyline


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
it is a fantastic new Optimus mold. I love having him as Christmas Prime, but it's so well done that I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it as a more traditional mainline figure. Give it a new short trailer with a missile launcher and call it Sureshot.


NOT a New Member.
I'd like the legs flipped around in a perfect world but its still workable.
They can be rotated to the "correct" position, via waist swivel (as said above), BUT the front of the cab opens to allow the legs to flip up (forming knee pads), so these would hinder knee movement. You can see it in the review below.

I hope there's a way to mod it though, if Hasbro releases it in Sureshot colours.
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Well-known member
Based on Transformation, I could see the possibility that Hasbro might have planned it with a retool in mind. Of course that's just conjecture but it doesnt seem like it'd take much to reverse the legs if they wanted to do an accuracte Sureshot/Hero Prime


Wondering bot
Forget retooling Optimus into Optimus, make it Energon Rodimus!

I think Legacy G2 Optimus could pull that off more than this mold, thou I expect we won't see another Rodimus for a couple of years as a toy, so maybe 2024 or 2025 going by the time span between the last two figures, but then, some characters have gone decades in between new toys that aren't just name dumps!


Well-known member
Also, the more i look at the original cab for optimus/sureshot, the cooler it looks. The angles, the wicked vents; its just a pretty awesome cabover for Prime. Makes me wonder if repainting this would even be worth it when they could pluck this entire design out of obscurity and do it real justice.

And yeah, if they ever do that Amazon one, the dark blue is the way to go.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Also realizing that design is 12 years old is...quite something.
I had a similar moment in the EB games a week or so ago. I was holding the box for the original BW scorponok, and while inspecting it I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to buy it because I still have the original... the original I bought in high school... 25 years ago.


Well-known member
Its wild. Time just gets faster and faster and gauging it by toy releases surely ramps it up.

I have to tell myself that when my instinct is to go "they just released that character!" when its actually been six years, or whatever. Its tough.

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