Transformers Legacy toyline

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
If you have a Target account, they have $20 off of a toy order over $75, which drops the total price for the set down to $60. For that, I had to buy. I wanted the Cliffjumper and Squeezeplay, didn't mind having the Tarantulus, and am not mad about getting more-or-less a free second Tarn.
Is what I did. Even after TN state sales taxes it came out to less than the set's price.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
How do you get that coupon?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. I can almost justify getting the set for $60 even though I only really want Squeezeplay. Prime Cliffjumper can go hang with Prime Arcee, and I guess I'm replacing my Tarn and.. I really have no use for that tarantulus, genuinely.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
How do you get that coupon?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. I can almost justify getting the set for $60 even though I only really want Squeezeplay. Prime Cliffjumper can go hang with Prime Arcee, and I guess I'm replacing my Tarn and.. I really have no use for that tarantulus, genuinely.

Yeah, at $60 it was a no brainer. I would have spent $50 to buy Cliffjumper and Squeezeplay no matter what, so for an extra $10 I get two additional "don't mind having" toys.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I can't unsee it, and now NEITHER CAN YOU!!



  • squeezeplay.jpg
    61.9 KB · Views: 107


Continuity Nutcase
Mindwipe transforms the "right" way by flipping upside down. Blot doesn't to that.

When Cheetimus made a custom on them, they also used Mindwipe as the base
So, you're saying Hasbro stole yet another of Cheets' custom designs. 😛


Staff member
Council of Elders
So how many $10 Tarns am I up to now? Report in if you're selling me your Tarn for $10. :ROFLMAO:

In all seriousness, I had forgotten that Squeezeplay existed until this box set was revealed. He was an insignificant character after I had gotten away from collecting in the late 80's-early 90's. I was out of the fandom from 1988ish-1998 and when I got back in, I had though some of the late G1 molds had gotten a bit silly. I still hate Pretenders to this day.

I am really digging that Cliffjumper though. They really did a good job using the Chase mold to make him. If I didn't already have the First Edition Prime version, I'd be very tempted.


An oldie but a goodie!
Ordered two separate $61 four packs yesterday just in case Target gets cancel happy with this set.

Hopefully if one does get cancelled, the other won't.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Ol’ JtPrime17 is back with more leaks and early listings, this time for Generations 2025 (Transformers: Generations Prime?)

The biggest omissions are the large items (though, Prime’s Commander should be obvious looking at the character selection), and Core figures.


NOT a New Member.
Ol’ JtPrime17 is back with more leaks and early listings, this time for Generations 2025 (Transformers: Generations Prime?)he biggest omissions are the large items (though, Prime’s Commander should be obvious looking at the character selection), and Core figures.
List reproduced below.


United wave 5: January 2025
Core BW Dinobot
Deluxe G1 Sureshot
Deluxe Cosmos PR
Deluxe G2 Breakdown
Deluxe Armada Wheeljack
Voyager Tarn PR
Voyager Ramjet PR
Leader Galaxy Shuttle PR
Leader G1 Overcharge

Primes wave 1: April 2025
Deluxe Animated Wasp
Deluxe Slingshot
Deluxe Air Raid
Deluxe Solus Prime
Voyager Prima
Voyager Armada Red Alert
Leader G2 Grimlock
Leader The Fallen

Primes Wave 2: July 2025
Deluxe Crasher PR
Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Deluxe Swindle
Voyager RID Skybyte
Voyager Rescue Bots Heatwave
Leader Onyx Prime

Primes wave 3: October 2025
Deluxe Micronus
Deluxe Venom
Deluxe Skydive
Deluxe Fireflight
Voyager Alpha Trion
Voyager Flatline

Studio Series

Wave 1: January 2025
Deluxe TF3 Hatchet
Deluxe TF7 Double Punch
Deluxe MV6 Bumblebee
Voyager TF7 Optimus Prime Pr
Voyager WFC Skywarp
Leader 86 Galvatron
Leader TF7 Apelinq

Wave 2: April 2025
Deluxe TF4 Widow Maker
Deluxe TF3 Que
Deluxe 86 Perceptor PR
Voyager WFC Ironhide
Voyager TFone Sentinel Prime
Leader TF4 Optimus Prime
Leader TF3 Shockwave PR

Wave 3: July 2024
Deluxe TFone Starscream
Deluxe 86 Bonecrusher
Deluxe 86 Jazz PR
Voyager WFC Thundercracker
Voyager 86 Scrapper
Leader 86 Megatron

Wave 4: October 2025
Deluxe WFC Autobot Soldier
Deluxe 86 Scavenger
Voyager 86 Mixmaster
Leader 86 Grimlock PR

A level Ast 2: July 2025
Deluxe Dev Optimus
Deluxe TFone B-127


Somehow still sane
Only interested in Sky Byte and maybe Cosmos for Legacy. Sky Byte's gonna look real tiny next to HasLab Optimus though. Kinda Surprised the Autobot Bros. aren't in the listings somewhere. Might get some of the Primes,but I'd have to see the toys first since their fiction is a big pile of meh.

Studio Series, I'd like to see Devastator first. I'm pretty happy with the 3P Gravity Builder but I do like how clever the Studio Series toys get.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Looks like a light year for me next year if those remain accurate. Sureshot, Cosmos, Alphatrion and Venom is about it. Unless they wow me with the 13 I don't need them myself(though I do like they're doing them) and I don't need another set of Aerialbots. I need to see the final version of the Constructicons too before I think about them as I do have the UW version already. I do like that Venom's going to be a regular release, as that makes it more likely he'll ahve his own mold, rather than a Waaspinator retool(though it may reuse Waspy engineering).

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Cosmos, 86 Grimlock, maybe Heatwave. I'm still combinered out, but the Constructicons are maybes. Gonna have to see Devastator first.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Just Wasp, maybe Armada Wheeljack (if in show colors), maybe G2 Grimlock (blue?), Sureshot, and Overcharge.

Curious about 86 Galvatron and Megatron.

Will wait to see more of the Primes to decide whether or not to get into all that. IDK how I feel about having actual toys of them outside of Vector Prime (never used the POTP toys for that purpose).

IDK how I feel about the Aerialbots yet as I haven't even updated my Stunticons (and those needed it more). Financially it just hasn't been a priority with so much coming out and with the absolutely steep price climb of the last couple years.
Last edited:


Somehow still sane
Presumably, the Aerialbots are leapfrogging ahead of the combiner queue because two of them are going to be repainted into Nexus Prime’s limbs. What I’m wondering is how they’re going to handle the torso. Silverbolt’s probably going to be that year’s commander so will next year be Heatwave? Given the similar altmode, will he be a retool of Onslaught? Nexus Prime’s going to need a helicopter and tank limbs so it’d make sense to do combaticons next.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Let's see:

Deluxe G1 Sureshot
Deluxe Armada Wheeljack
Leader G1 Overcharge

Deluxe Slingshot
Deluxe Air Raid
Deluxe Solus Prime
Voyager Prima
Leader The Fallen

Deluxe Alchemist Prime
Deluxe Swindle
Voyager RID Skybyte
Leader Onyx Prime

Deluxe Micronus
Deluxe Venom
Deluxe Skydive
Deluxe Fireflight
Voyager Alpha Trion
Voyager Flatline

Leader 86 Galvatron
Deluxe 86 Bonecrusher
Voyager 86 Scrapper
Leader 86 Megatron

Deluxe WFC Autobot Soldier
Deluxe 86 Scavenger
Voyager 86 Mixmaster
Deluxe Dev Optimus
Deluxe TFone B-127

Those are of interest to me.


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