Transformers Legacy toyline


NOT a New Member.


Oh dear, they really dialled-in the remolded parts for this one. Not only is it far too small to go with Haslab Fire Convoy, but they didn't even bother to remold the car mode or even paint decent flames on it



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Salt-Man Z

that is not dead which can eternal lie
That robot mode is gorgeous. It's really too bad the vehicle mode (which isn't terrrrible) looks nothing like his old Viper form.

(And I know haterz gunna hate, but that original Side Burn toy remains one of my favorite TFs to transform. Yes, it's ridiculously fiddly, but there's a certain joy to be had in practicing it over and over until it can be done smoothly, like a Rubik's Cube.)

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Oh hey, I got an email while out shoveling snow.

BBTS: Pre-order Processing Soon - Transformers: Legacy Evolution Core Dinobot Snarl (Standard Grade)

Well, that's a thing then.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
So was Gears's chestplate coming in the box as an accessory always a well-known thing? Mine just arrived and I thought I was going to have to put in for a replacement at first, until someone else pointed out it's in the box - I hadn't opened it yet so that I could show that it came that way. I just don't recall ever hearing about it before now, though Seibertron had an article about it from mid-March.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I feel like some of the in-box pics showed a lack of a chestplate, but I'm not sure it was really well-documented, no.


Somehow still sane
Man, we knew Sideburn’s car mode wasn’t going to be any good from Shadow Striker but actually seeing it somehow makes it worse. It’s shaped closer to a shoe than a sportscar and they couldn’t even bother to give it better a flame pattern. The great colors are wasted on it.
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Another babka?
Yeah, SS86 Megatron is definitely the most "just curious to see what they do here" upcoming figure. I'm guessing it's just going to be the most cartoon-accurate robot mode they can do that transforms into a tank that looks like it's made out of gun parts.

I'm just hoping they get the head right. They seem to bat around .500 on Megatron faces. Siege looks great, but Earthrise looks a little goofy.
The troll part of me wants to see them go full on Walter P38 upside down and call it a submarine

But that's not happening

Honestly an ER redo with Sunbow colours and a new head would be fine. If underwhelming


too old for this
So apparently the entire next wave is shipping from Pulse. Mine should be here tomorrow.
. . . . . really wish a few pieces had been delayed. I could have used the extra money this week.


Well-known member
I just don't know why the front of the car had to look like that. I love the robot mode sooomuch, but that car mode is very confusing. Vipers are just so pretty. Definitely gonna have to consider it his Cybertronian mode.
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Continuity Nutcase
I just don't know why the front of the car had to look like that. I love the robot mode sopp much, but that car mode is very confusing. Vipers are just so pretty. Definitely gonna have to consider it his Cybertronian mode.
It's because the altmode was designed based on Cyberverse Shadow Striker's pre-Frankensteined altmode, but with the addition of Side Burn's exposed engine, creating a single hodgepodge altmode design that Hasbro wanted to use for both characters, and is consequently accurate to neither character.


Well-known member
It's because the altmode was designed based on Cyberverse Shadow Striker's pre-Frankensteined altmode, but with the addition of Side Burn's exposed engine, creating a single hodgepodge altmode design that Hasbro wanted to use for both characters, and is consequently accurate to neither character.

TBF, one could consider them trying to homage both Cyberverse and the original Shadow Striker, who was a Side Burn Remold, so combining the two isn't completely odd.


Continuity Nutcase
Indeed. What we have here, in this mold's case, is less of an instance of "G1-ifying" like with the Prime and Animated designs (since the Cyberverse designs, much like those of the Unicron Trilogy, were already pretty blocky and G1-ish in aesthetic to begin with), and more a case of Hasbro taking two different characters (Shadow Striker and Side Burn) from two different series (Cyberverse and RiD 2001) with two completely different designs, and forcibly trying to mash those two designs together, all because of Shadow Striker's original namesake (Universe Shadow Striker) having been made from the RiD 2001 Side Burn mold, despite the fact that Cyberverse Shadow Striker was a name-slap of a familiar trademark on a new character with a completely original design that looked absolutely nothing like Universe Shadow Striker.

This is like if the Legacy Bulkhead toy had instead tried to have a helicopter mode as a second altmode, and had been given a mustache on top of his very Prime-styled robot mode head, in order to cram in elements from Energon Bulkhead just because he was the first Bulkhead, despite Prime Bulkhead being nothing like him in design or character.

It's basically a return of the "Aligned" mindset that gave all us those mashed G1/Movieverse concept designs from a decade ago.
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