Behold, the guardian of space and time, Legacy United Cybertron Voyager Vector Prime! A perfect time for one of the 13 primes to intervene in what has seemed like, pure interdimensional multiverse insanity.
Working with Yuya san is always a great honor, dude is so talented it leaves me in awe. Also, shout out to Aaron Archer, Eric Siebenaler, and Kunihiro san for being involved in the first creation of such an awesome character.
As my good friend Monzo Matt put it “He’s old, he’s letting his wires hang out”! Partials are always very challenging, but I am pretty stoked as to how this guy turned out. He has his cyber planet key and his rhisling sword casted in translucent teal metallic that really shimmers in hand. I dialed in the grey tone to be darker then the og toy as in the show it seems spot on now. The metallic teals and gold and deep raspberry metallic make this color scheme out of this world.
I also share an image of alot of the sculpt details and deco hits were made to match as best as possible to the animated series. You can see me throwing together the original vision of the partial molding utilizing comic illustrations.
Do the Legacy time portals finally come to an end? What say you!? There’s still time

for the final showdown, or is there? Arghhh
“I finally understand the true value of time, for it is the bonds between us that give time its meaning.”