Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
If you like the look of the Nemesis or it goes on sale, go for it. Personally thought it was okay but the accessories are lame, articulation/transformation are only decent and she lacks an additional mode, display option or even the partner figure that the Ark has. (The tiny seekers might as well not exist.) The shoulder kibble hanging off is pretty inexcusable though. It’s a pretty good toy but for the significant monetary and space investment, I’d like more out of it.
I tapped out of Titan Class figures after Black Zarak (stiiill trying to find a deal on a Lunar-Tread), but this wasn't tempting for a lot of these reasons. I'm not super enthused about the robot mode, although I guess there wasn't as much mass to pull from with the leaner ship.

In spaceship mode, though, looks great. It seems like a pricey but pretty display piece in that regard.


Two arms and one smile
I still don't have Nemesis. She and Cyberton Metroplex were the first Titans that I decided to skip. I've got The Ark and have expressed my desire for it to have just been a fun, non-transforming playset, and wish that Nemesis was as well. As it is though, Nemesis is going to have to be at a significant discount for me to take the plunge, and I'm not sure if it is ever going to get to a low enough price.


Continuity Nutcase
I'd like to get the Nemesis, but I waited to get all my Titans on discount, and she hasn't gone on sale yet.


Well-known member
I gather Guardian Robot didn't sell for a titan to appear in the Selects line this year. Shame because Black Zarak was nice and I can see potential from others for SG Ark/Dark Ark, Gigastorm, Peritus Maximus etc.


Continuity Nutcase
I'd love for them to make a Gigastorm since my Trypticon's arm broke off and I don't know how to fix it.


Well-known member
I gather Guardian Robot didn't sell for a titan to appear in the Selects line this year. Shame because Black Zarak was nice and I can see potential from others for SG Ark/Dark Ark, Gigastorm, Peritus Maximus etc.

Scorponok is probably the best Titan they’ve ever done and it absolutely languished as Black Zarak.

Guardian Robot doesn’t seem to be doing much better and he appeared on the show.

After that, you’re getting into super obscure stuff that has even less of a chance so I can’t really blame them.
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Wondering bot
The Omega mold, is pretty good, thou the way that the rocket attaches and detaches, could of benefited from a means to release it easier as its troublesome at times getting it into place on the toro section, still its a imposing looking bot! The only titans I don't have are:
Scorponok, thou I have the BZ verison of the mold
Sentinal Guardian, I have the true intended verison, Omega himself
Devestator, I wasn't exactly impressed with his look and more happy with the third party offerings
Predaking, same as Devestator, not really impressed with the overall look of the combined mode
Fortress Maximus & his repaints, at the time, I had nowhere I could put him, so I didn't get him, thou I believe he going to be reissued later this year, so I might get him

BZ makes for a good part of a christmas display in base mode, my Generations Metroplex G1, just stands in a corner near my PC, gathering dust, Trypticon, currently hangs out beside my bed, not far away is BZ by the old coffee table that I adopted, Cybertron Metroplex stands behind my TV peering out at my bed, while Omega guards my chest of draws, thou I have to move him when I want to access the draws beyond the top one, thou he also stood next to a small mess of odd TFs that I need to deal with! Ark stands ready to launch in a corner, while the Nemesis sits on top of my cupboard, appearing as if its already in orbit! 😁

Of the titans I gotten thus, I think the one I like the most, would be Omega, then BZ, Ark & Nemesis I got primary for ship modes, thus they stay like that, with the Ark, I think they really messed up when it came to the sides of the ship mode, it looks rather lazy done as much of the budget clearly went on Teletran one who could of just been sold seperately.


Well-known member
I'd love for them to make a Gigastorm since my Trypticon's arm broke off and I don't know how to fix it.
I also want a Gigastorm, but that's less due to my Trypticon being damaged (thankfully not the case, but you have my condolences) and more because I like the idea of them doing one and would happily snap it up. BWII was beyond my ability to get, so modern updates for it are welcome.


NOT a New Member.
I also want a Gigastorm, but that's less due to my Trypticon being damaged (thankfully not the case, but you have my condolences) and more because I like the idea of them doing one and would happily snap it up. BWII was beyond my ability to get, so modern updates for it are welcome.
There's an USKO Titans Return Trypticon out, so you could get that (and add a few spots, etc) and make it Gigastorm? Video review is here.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
display option
I'm curious what you mean by this,

As for me, I'd love to have all these big spaceship guys, but the four I have -- T30 Metroplex, TR Fortress Maximus, TR Trypticon, and Earthrise Scorponok -- have pretty much claimed about all the room I have for these things.

...except for that one spot I'm leaving open for a G1 Maximus mold, of course. ;)

Which is also basically why I haven't been going after more Titans.


Active member
I mean, if you're out of room for titans now, as many seem to be, it doesn't seem like they're planning on stopping anytime soon. That smaller Trypticon looks pretty good, I'd still really love a commander class Omega Supreme.


Somehow still sane
I'm curious what you mean by this,

As for me, I'd love to have all these big spaceship guys, but the four I have -- T30 Metroplex, TR Fortress Maximus, TR Trypticon, and Earthrise Scorponok -- have pretty much claimed about all the room I have for these things.

...except for that one spot I'm leaving open for a G1 Maximus mold, of course. ;)

Which is also basically why I haven't been going after more Titans.
The Ark can open up the ramp at the back to simulate the 86 movie shuttle landing scene, open the cockpit area to simulate the pilot or detach Mainframe to be Teletraan with the drone thing. First two are admittedly limited to the tiny figurines but they're relevant and significantly different options to put on your shelf nonetheless. The best the Nemesis has is the ramps but that's not really on the same level. I don’t count the lower fin splitting to let it sit flat.
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Well-known member
Tidalwave is really the next titan that is a *must own* for me.

But if they do a Metroplex and/or Fort Max that is upscaled "G1 with knees" its gonna be hard for me to resist. I normally steer for new guys, but those designs are just so iconic, and at that size, they'l be hard to resist. Not that I want to resist...


Well-known member
I would like a more G1 and better designed Metroplex.

I would like a much smaller and Marvel Comics inspired Fort Max.

ZacWilliam, not sure who I'd take for a Titan. Maybe Spanner. Maybe Grandus. Citadel Secundus. Iaconus... oh Orcanoch definitely.


NOT a New Member.
...I'd still really love a commander class Omega Supreme.
How about these? Video review is here.
Pangu Toys Omega Supreme Comparison.png

I would like a more G1 and better designed Metroplex.
There's a fairly nice (but perhaps still overpriced?) G1-styled Metroplex that's on sale right now, here. It's a bit smaller than the titan class version too. Video review is here.

(Apologies for the KOs here as it's a bit off-topic. Just trying to help.)
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Well-known member
I would like a much smaller and Marvel Comics inspired Fort Max.

And a Scorponok too!

That's why I always had zero interest in Titan-sized Fort Max or Scorponok... never had the G1 toys, and the first (and pretty much only) form of the characters that comes to mind is the Marvel G1 versions. And both were pretty major characters there too.

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