I now done with all of Tidalwave's modes, with the combined ship mode, you got to partsform, which is different from the original toy, also, his robot mode head, for alt mode, you simply turn it around and the chest plate moves to cover it up, yet if you lift him up, you can see his head as it has nowhere to store unlike the original! Another lost feature is the lift that was for the Minicon, the control tower flips up instead of being on a slider joint, thus it flips into his arm for storage while on the other side, a panel flips up and down for the Aircraft carrier mode. One of the parts for Megatron comes with seperate little cannons that you attach, thus they can move around freely, the dome parts I mentioned in my previous post are gun placements for if he was "REAL" he would likely can Decepticons inside of him using them, the big cannons on his chest aside from being able to hold Blast effects can detach as they come packed seperate from the main robot, he has some what moving hands with a thumb that recreates the original toy look!
Overall, he is impressive, I haven't messured him against any other bots YET, but he is definely BIG, thou I found a nice place to put him and he currently got his guns trained on Legacy Armada Op and my Planet X FOC Grimlock, well the upper guns, of his chest while one of the lower ones are pointing at Planet X FOC Swoop and no, Swoop doesn't see nothing, he leaning back as if he trying to dodge the fire but that mostly due to what he stood upon, currently!