Transformers Legacy toyline

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
He looks solid! There are obvious compromises to get the concept to the $25, but I think they largely succeed. I'm really impressed at the purported accessory load out: 2 blasters, a matrix, and an Energon ax. I'm surprised to see light piping return, but it's a nice gimmick for this kind of figure.
I do have a couple of nitpicks, almost exclusively on the colors- I think the red is little on the bright side, while the grey plastic parts are maybe too dark. The singular Autobot logo is a bit weird. It almost feels like they were trying to "toe the line" between the classic cartoon representation while still working within the original toy's design.
While Mark makes note about the plastic colors, I don't see any more deco apps being included. I'm sure Toyhax will have a deco sheet ready quickly, since he just feels...naked..without all those sticker details that Missing Link colored in.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
The only thing I'm not liking about that Prime is I wish the smokestacks were painted silver. Should at least be any easy fix though.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I like it more the longer I look at it. In theory I prefer Takara's literal approach and would gladly pay more for it once I have available funds, but I can't say Hasbro didn't understand the assignment. They treated the smokestacks like weapons. That is absolutely something kids did back in the day, but it's something I thought we'd never see again because it's not in the precious toon.

If Hasbro (or a credible leaker) teases any kind of followup that's more interesting than Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, I'm in.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Missing Link is, to me, more expensive than the nostalgia is worth. This one isn't as nicely painted, but it's less than half of what BBTS is asking for ML (at least, for the trailer-less version, but I don't care about the trailer), and might show up at retail so I could see it in person first. So I'm interested, but not committed to it.

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Your Walmart stocks toys?!

Sure. But it's 99% a combination of last year's ROTB mainline toys and the first-year Legacy toys from two years ago.

Somehow even with that, it's still better than what every Target I've been to recently has had available lol.

(Seriously at least my local Walmart looks well-stocked, even if it's mostly just shelfwarmers, every single Target I've been to recently is like 'OK here's your peg with like 4 Core class figures and here's your pegs with 6 Deluxes and I guess you got like a couple Voyagers on the shelf too and maybe one Leader if you're lucky')


...even Team Whirl.
I've been pondering this some today, and I'm kind of wondering if a passable Slipstream could be made from a G2 Cyberjet design? Take Hooligan; he still maintains roughly the classic Seeker shape, if his back was modified so the wings could sweep upwards in robot mode it would approximate Slipstream's wing configuration. The jet-nose-to-chest might be less straightforward, but the modular design of the Cyberjets seems like they would lend themselves better to partial mold reuse for femme Seekers without just being Windblade with a new paint job. (Plus it would mean new Cyberjet figures!)

What do you think, sirs?

Cyberjets, or Cyberjets-'ish' . . . maybe?

I have Jetfire and Hooligan on one of my shelves. These two are fun, and they look great, but they're really wobbly. The others didn't feel safe to transform - I always worried about breaking something.


Wondering bot
After careful thought, I have decided that I am passing on this wave of deluxes:
Slipstream, while looking nice, doesn't quite do what I would like in regards to weapons
Quake, I have no attachment to the character and frankly the mold he using his, not great, thou clearly he got the retooling budget instead of Slipstream
Deluxe G1 OP, looks nice but I have plenty of OPs in my collection in various sizes and shapes, including the lego one and I'm, looking forward to seeing what the Studio series 86 produces and if it can beat the Earthrise/Netflix mold as that has been the best mainline G1 Op to date


NOT a New Member.


Mic check..1..2..(thud) just in time for the 40th anniversary celebration I welcome a familiar face to the Legacy United line! Thats right folks, it be Optimus Prime at the deluxe scale featuring his toy style, but with a whole lotta #fun !
Shuhei Umeza san the talented wizard worked on this dude with me! What a vibe its been working with Shu san, such a solid guy!

Lemme break down the deets, please read in your Blurr voice! whose better then a deluxe articulated Prime that comes with his blue metallic tinted matrix of leadership, his toy styled black blaster, his animation styled ion blaster cannon, 5 mm ports in various strategic places, lightpiping yellow eyes, weapon storage on the back freightliner truck bed, the ability to hitch to multiple trailers , smokestack upgrades, cybertron radial pvc rubber tires, nobody nobody nobodyyyyyyyyy!!

When I was a kid I used to dream of things like this, I always wanted my Optimus to have permanently attached fists and I always wanted that dang blaster to fit in his hands smmoooothly, so many other things dreaming well wake up fans, he is here and you can preorder this beauty this Thursday at 1 pm et!

Please note the colors are just like the og toy even though this toy sample I had to photo is an early sample, colors and apperances are varied!

(Source: - )

I'm so glad that I didn't pay for the recent TT Missing Link or Hotwheels versions. I wonder why both companies released such similar figures so close in time to each other?
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NOT a New Member.
Huh. I don't hate it. I've been resisting buying the Missing Link Optimus since he was so expensive, but at Deluxe price, I may have to bite on this one.

Edit: Of course, I realize that if I DO buy this one, in a couple of months they'll reveal the premium version with all the sticker details painted on.
"Paging Dr Toyhax, paging Dr Toyhax..."

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