Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
I don't think I'll ever cease to be amused over the Circular Reporting type mistakes. Though you really would think something like a toy deco would have enough time for more research (as opposed to say a comic book colorist rushing to figure out how to color Relatively Obscure Character #28).

I really like that Ruckus. Bludgeon, I'm glad they went for something different, but it's not something that interests me and unfortunately that seems to be the general consensus so might be difficult to sell him off. Really starting to get a bit exasperated with all of these 2-packs that have one character I'd love to pick up if released singly and one character I have no interest in. So far the only one I've pulled the trigger on was Leadfoot/Masterdominus.


Kaiser Dragon
I really dislike the packaging of one new figure with one or more redecos, and I have no interest in this Bludgeon. But I do appreciate what Hasbro did with this redeco. It's not for me, but I can see it appealing to some people more than the normal version.


NOT a New Member.
I just feel that version of Bludgeon was a bit dialled-in and yet another "unwanted" (or "not really what most of us where asking for") to a more popular figure, which bumps up the price. I would have really liked a more Pretender-focused version myself.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm not a huge Stormbringer Bludgeon fan or anything, but I do appreciate that they went so different from the baseline release. If I'm going to buy a same-character redeco of someone I already have, I would much rather have something like this than just a slightly improved paint job.


I'm not a huge Stormbringer Bludgeon fan or anything, but I do appreciate that they went so different from the baseline release. If I'm going to buy a same-character redeco of someone I already have, I would much rather have something like this than just a slightly improved paint job.
Hear me out:

Arctic Mission Bludgeon
Desert Camo Thundertron
Nightwatch Beachcomber


Continuity Nutcase
for the turbo nerds who care, at least one person on twitter is mad over ruckus's deco because the deco on his arms are based on the photo from the tfwiki where someone put the stickers that were meant to be on the g1 toy's waist on the arms instead


i sure do hope hasbro fired whoever was responsible for the deco out of a cannon, this transgression CANNOT stand
To be fair, but the new toy's waist is too small for that detail to begin with.

But double lol for Locoman's quick image replace on the wiki :p
Believe in yourself like Hasbro believes in TFWiki.
Another one for the Circular Reporting article, unfortunately.

Though, in the wiki's defense, the pics used were originally taken from Seibertron. We're all shaking our heads in frustration over the user who used those images.
I don't think I'll ever cease to be amused over the Circular Reporting type mistakes. Though you really would think something like a toy deco would have enough time for more research (as opposed to say a comic book colorist rushing to figure out how to color Relatively Obscure Character #28).

I really like that Ruckus.
Sixo to the rescue!


Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Honestly that whole statement about how 'People do know the whole deal with TFWiki is everyone can edit it, right?' makes me think that maybe some people think TFWiki is like Wikipedia where it claims to be a place that 'anyone can edit' but, in reality, once you move beyond the most basic levels of editing (fixing typos and broken links, removing obvious spam/vandalism), you discover that a great many articles are effectively controlled by a single editor or a clique of editors who regard these articles as their own fiefdom to with as they please (namely promoting their own specific POV in regards to the article's topic) and that's why a people don't go and fix errors on the wiki when they're brought up.

And then others just find editing a wiki completely daunting so they don't do it.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Sixo: Anyone can edit TFWiki!

Me, after the n'th auto-reversion of material I submitted:


Active member
Yeah...after a good decade of work on TFWiki, I gave up trying to contribute anymore because of people exactly like Viola is describing. Well, one person. Basically, I didn't join the Discord, and lost track of who was able and willing to override Saix.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
The retail version is the Pretender-focused version
Yeah, I'm really not sure where his complaint is, in that we already got Tarn, Cyberverse Perfect Decpecticons, and IDW Bludgeon (in his popular colors and popular face design). And anything "closer" to his original Pretender desgin would require a new mold, which would be beyond the budget for this sort of release.

If anything, the new headsculpt indicates this was NOT a "dialed in" redeco, but something that someone on Hasbro wanted to make. Between Bludgeon, Fractured Friends Orion Pax and (to a degree) Megatron shows somebody has read Stormbringer recently and we're getting some toys from that inspiration.


Continuity Nutcase
If anything, the new headsculpt indicates this was NOT a "dialed in" redeco, but something that someone on Hasbro wanted to make. Between Bludgeon, Fractured Friends Orion Pax and (to a degree) Megatron shows somebody has read Stormbringer recently and we're getting some toys from that inspiration.
After all these years, Classics Jetfire will no longer feel so alone.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm really not sure where his complaint is, in that we already got Tarn, Cyberverse Perfect Decpecticons, and IDW Bludgeon (in his popular colors and popular face design). And anything "closer" to his original Pretender desgin would require a new mold, which would be beyond the budget for this sort of release.

If anything, the new headsculpt indicates this was NOT a "dialed in" redeco, but something that someone on Hasbro wanted to make. Between Bludgeon, Fractured Friends Orion Pax and (to a degree) Megatron shows somebody has read Stormbringer recently and we're getting some toys from that inspiration.

I thought it was obvivious. He wants a version colored specifically like the Prtender Shell, and not some mix.


Continuity Nutcase
I thought it was obvivious. He wants a version colored specifically like the Prtender Shell, and not some mix.
I figured it being a reused mold at all, instead of a new mold, was what he was calling lazy, not understanding at all that it was always going to be the same mold as before and never a new mold.


Chris McFeely pointed out that the new Ruckus doesn't actually match the photo that was on TFWiki--in comparison to the TFWiki/Seibertron photo, both the deco on the arms and the sculpted shock absorbers on the knees (which are also based on a sticker on the original toy) are "upside down."


Continuity Nutcase

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