Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
From Supreme to Core, oh how the mighty have fallen!
There was this really good figure in the interim between those two:



BM Cheetor had a Happy Meal toy: (stolen from TFwiki):

(Hopefully someone will provide a side-by-side after this hits mass retail, for the size comparison if nothing else.)



Well-known member
It looks good. I'll probably buy it and imagine its in BW Cartoon scale with the Deluxe Generations guys.

THAT said I would dearly like Core Nightscream, Bat Optimus, Gator Megatron, Diagnostic Drone, and Nyx.

-ZacWilliam, though I would also take any and all of those (except maybe the drone) as Deluxes.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm glad to see this Cheetor, and I hope a Deluxe similar to the Titanium look is eventually made. It's cool that we're getting into Beast Machines stuff; give me a good BM Silverbolt to follow the Fuzor!


Active member
That is a pretty decent BM Cheetor, though the giant clonker front paws look sillier the more I see them. I wonder if it'll get a Nightslash color scheme release.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I will buy that Cheetor on sight! I love what we are getting in Core class, I only wish we would get more of these small-scale figures of major characters. (Still waiting on Blurr, Kup, Arcee, and Springer to go with Core Hot Rod, Hasbro!)(also Sideswipe and Sunstreaker to fill out the G1 Autobot roster!)

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I want more Core Beast Warriors so they'll scale closer to accurate with G1 figures.
According to leaks, his wavemate is supposedly BW Dinobot
Well, use this Core Class figure to give your main line figures their own "in-scale" Supreme Cheetor!
Scale accuracy, she be a harsh mistress…
It reminds me of a Happy Meal toy, but in a good way. It just has this humble happy vibe to it. It's lame but somehow it makes your day anyway. Look at those goofy front paws. It's terrible. It's adorable. How can you not want one?
Yeah, like it was designed to be a TOY first, and not a cheap collectible. :p

Again, I’m just glad to see some representation of the series. Beast Machines, ESPECIALLY the Maximals, just feel pretty low on the totem pole, relative to later, more popular, series.

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