Transformers Legacy toyline


I’m not dead yet!
I can't see why both characters can't have Commander class figures or at least leader scale
Because realistically it's impracticable to make Bulkhead a commander class. He's a fan favorite but I don't think he carries that much weight overall in the franchise. A giant SWAT van or Armored Truck is Voyager sized or Leader at best in Generations scale. Lugnut could definitely be Leader class But like Bulkhead it's a matter of would he sell overall. I'm sure collectors would snap at a chance for a new one but overall Lugnut would likely get kids confused as to why this isn't Clobber. Kudos to Hasbro if they could pull both off with some retooling.


Well-known member
He's a fan favorite but I don't think he carries that much weight overall in the franchise.

“Tell me you’re talking about Sky Lynx without actually telling me you’re talking about Sky Lynx”

Bulkhead was a main character in TWO different Transformers series without much adjustment to his looks. Both Sky Lynx and G1 Jetfire are incredibly niche characters that somehow managed to snag a Commander class.

An argument can be made for sales but Bulkhead has had 1000x the franchise impact those two had.


I’m not dead yet!
Yes Blud, But Sabrblade kinda hit it. But it's more about the scale to me and his popularity. Sky Lynx as a character is semi niche, but he's also a Space Shuttle and Platform that transforms into a dragon/ Bird & Lynx. You aren't going to get a Military or Swat truck that should match it in size. Rodimus's Flaming Winnebago of Love mode shouldn't be as big as SkyLynx really but a vehicle that size should be Bigger than most vehicles including a military truck or SWAT vehicle. Bulkhead really doens't need to be anywhere bigger than a Leader class and fit's just fine within Voyager. And two series Blud with a guest stint in a third. Which also didn't get him into the any of the newest series lately.

Don't think I'm hating on Bulkhead at all. I love the big guy. But I'm also seeing what's within reality as it is. Seeing his Legacy Toy where it is at seems more than appropriate to me. Could look better for sure but it's right where it should be to me.

Should we get a Lugnut in Legacy..... I would see him get a Leader spot at maximum. Truthfully vehicle scale wise He could definitely be Commander class, but again I don't think he warrants it in popularity. His characters next iteration in fiction was completely changed from Male sycophant engine of doom cargo plane to Female all around good gal hovertank that fell in with the wrong crowd. And Short of making some sort of Stratosphere-like tiny truck that could fit inside a loading bay or something in a Cargo Plane there's not a cool Commander class base mode or enhanced mode like Jetfire to sell it. The POKE alone should be a base feature of it's robot mode


Another babka?
I'm going to break from things a bit and say I like Bulkhead. I've been using Cybertron Crumplezone as my Classics/Gen Bulkhead for years and this is the first option that feels like an improvement in so far as fitting on a Classics/Gen shelf.
Neither Prime or Animated Bulkhead are getting replaced, it's just another iteration of the character. I'm happy to have him.

Skids looks great. Saved me a MP purchase.

G2 Laser Prime looks perfect. And will likely be a more affordable option than buying an original in decent shape.

Kickback looks good but I don't know about Deluxe Insecticins.

Arcee looks good, just not a figure I need or want.

And I'm not doing Combiners all over again 😅


...even Team Whirl.
... Rodimus's Flaming Winnebago of Love ...

That's funny - haven't heard that term in a long time.
(...or I've just been delightfully unobservant and missed it around here a lot recently, one of the two.)


Well-known member
I think Jetfire is a bit more than a niche character. The history surrounding him and his G1 toy, one of the first characters to get a real back story. Along with the attempts at somewhat proper scale sizes, Jetfire 100% made sense. Sky Lynx ish. Being a space shuttle and all. Rodimus because of the trailer but clearly Optimus pulled off Leader class just fine.
Bulkhead while a fine character I don’t think is a good fit for Leader class. Besides, it’s the deceptions time to get leader class IMO. Tidal Wave, Deathsaurus, Overlord (I know, just had a figure but Commander Class would be much better).


Wondering bot
I'm surprised they never made one outta TR Skyshadow

I agree with you on that, only a few minor changes and a different paint deco and we would have Thunderwing who has two alt modes that form one robot, instead they retooled the figure into Dai Atlas, which is a nice retool thou I'm not keen on the way the two halves are connected!


Continuity Nutcase
Time for that was Power of the Primes with those Evolution leaders but that would have been too SENSIBLE.
If only he'd won the fan vote.

EDIT: Post #500, baby!
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