Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
Netflix turned down doing a Legacy show according to some news sources.

Also I just got Blackzarak, he's great, in my head canon, the Headmaster is G1 Sunbow Zarak, the deluxe body is G1 Takara Zarak (Headmasters, Msterforce, Zone) and the titan body of their design.
I would love to see the Ark retooled as Lugnut Supreme who transforms into the 'Weak Anthropic Principle'/Dark Ark and Mainframe redecoed as Deceptitran from G1 episode Sea Change.
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Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Robot mode looks great, but it seems like there are a lot of concessions to both alternate modes that I would have hoped didn't need to be made at the Leader price point.

Not sure I need the translucent Hulk Hands, but maybe they combine with other figures' extras to make something cool.

All that being said, he's gonna spend 90% of his time in robot mode, which I'm very pleased with. I skipped the Titan's Return version because I didn't feel like it was better enough than the old Thrilling 30 version, but I may spring for this.


Well-known member
Well let’s keep in mind the engineering is only at the Voyager price point. The hands and accessories are what bump up the price.

But yeah, that Jet mode is awful and the tank mode isn’t that good either. Looking over his past figures, this is arguably the worst they’ve done with BOTH vehicles and this is supposed to be the newest and best.


Well-known member
Hard pass, I'll keep my thrilling 30 and Legends Blitzwings, the former has good alt modes, the latter has a good robot mode.
Those fake arms look like a cross between Combiner Wars Devastators and Siege Sixguns.


How did we get so dark?
Man, what a fantastic robot mode, but both alt modes give me serious pause. I have a hard time coming to terms with how bad the jet mode turned out, in particular. I suppose my TR Blitzwing will stay on the shelf for the time being.


Active member
Robot mode looks great, but it seems like there are a lot of concessions to both alternate modes that I would have hoped didn't need to be made at the Leader price point.

Not sure I need the translucent Hulk Hands, but maybe they combine with other figures' extras to make something cool.

All that being said, he's gonna spend 90% of his time in robot mode, which I'm very pleased with. I skipped the Titan's Return version because I didn't feel like it was better enough than the old Thrilling 30 version, but I may spring for this.

Same here, the robot mode looks great and that's the biggest bit in favor for me. I was never happy with the T30 one, and skipped TR, so I'll likely get this one.

But yeah, those vehicle modes... the tank having the random cockpit sticking out is so weird it feels like it must be a mistransformation. Top half of jet mode is good, but it's also clearly carrying a tank's worth of tan kibble underneath.

I don't understand the inclusion of the Energon Hulk hands at all. Though I did see a comment that maybe it's related to a Demolishor retool?


Well-known member
This costs $15 less and (size aside) seems to do everything at least as good (robot) or better (tank, jet)


Olde-Timey Member
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Council of Elders
Top half of jet mode is good, but it's also clearly carrying a tank's worth of tan kibble underneath.

I wouldn't even mind so much if they had molded in some details that made it look like bombs or fuel tanks or something you might expect to see mounted below a plane.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
this is arguably the worst they’ve done with BOTH vehicles and this is supposed to be the newest and best.
Eh, I have doubts that, besides being the newest, THAT much from the past 3-4 years is overtly going to be called "better" than a prior iteration of the character (assuming they've gotten one in the past...15 odd years). This one is DIFFERENT, and as a representation of the cartoon models and scale, I think it does a better job in more respects than prior attempts.

But that emphasis is certainly the cause of wacky design decisions like....
The sheer lunacy of sculpting a fake cockpit on the chunk of jet mode they intentionally left sticking out in tank mode.
Because that's what the cartoon did, duh!

He looks fine. But as I've scaled back my buying, he's neither a character, a concept, or design that I have any real desire for, much less at the Leader price point. I DO like the "rocket fingers" accessories, but not so much as to buy into a leader figure for them. I'm really hoping that Hasbro isn't stingy with the accessory packs this time around. The line seems MADE for them...


Wondering bot
I'll likely get this but the rocket hands will likely end up with another figure, whom, I have no idea, yet, but looking at the review and the screen shots, I expect a third party to be desgining cover panels for the fake cockpit part to give a better looking tank mode, at least they didn't stick in the mutable face gimmick, it worked for Animated but on the T30 figure, I felt that was terrible choice and it was getting stuck a LOT due to the way the faces were desgined to move within the head, the TR figure was certainly a step up on that as the T30 figure had other flaws due to bad desgining and molding issues!


I’m not dead yet!
Hmm so far Legacy is giving my wallet a good rest. I’m still cool with T30 Blitzwing as is. I’m more of an Animated Blitzwing kinda guy so I still like the multi face gimmick on him. If anything can I dare hope for Legacy Lugnut? Or Legacy Lockdown?


Staff member
Council of Elders
The Titans Return one pulled off some aspects of both modes better. Tank was better across the board, and jet only had the problem of the tank turret just hanging out underneath but did the treads-against-the-sides better. While the rest of robot mode here is great, somehow the robot mode head on this is blockier than TR's, which is saying something given the latter was a little dude folded up into a CUBE.


Continuity Nutcase
For reference:


Demovere Xeno

The sheer lunacy of sculpting a fake cockpit on the chunk of jet mode they intentionally left sticking out in tank mode.
And we thought Takara painting in the bars connecting the cockpit to the plane body on the G1 Aerialbot limb-bots onto the UW versions was bad. =/ Seriously - there's exacting detail, and there's just asinine.

I feel like if absolute slavish G1 accuracy wasn't a priority here, they might've gotten away with a retooling of the TR Blitzwing. Remold the tank turret to remove the Titan Master seat and maybe bulk it up a bit, remold the jet nosecone assembly to remove the pop-out intakes and replace that with housing for a flip-out head, add swiveling wrists, and remold the feet for ankle tilts.


Kaiser Dragon
I'd never noticed the tank cockpit on the cartoon model until it was pointed out. Admittedly, it's been a long time since I've watched much G1 other than the movie, but it's still surprising. Definitely wish they would have ditched that aspect and given him a clean tank front. At least they didn't stick the tank barrel on his head...

I think he'll still win out over TR and T30 for me. T30's quality flaws are just too great, even after putting a lot of effort into trying to fix them. And while I like TR's jet mode pretty well, I never cared much for his tank mode, his robot mode isn't as good as this one, I dislike the transformation, I absolutely loathe the stickers, and he just doesn't really feel right as a Headmaster to me. So yeah, I'm not crazy for the tank cockpit, but I can live with it. And a chunky jet mode is what I was expecting right from the start for Blitzwing.

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