Transformers Legacy toyline


I think the robot mode and the tank mode are better than the TR/Legends release, but that jet mode? Oof. I'll probably buy it, but it's a tough purchase.

The Phazer

Well-known member
The weird thing about the stupid tank cockpit is that they're not even going for slavishly cartoon accurate, because if they were they wouldn't have gone for a more modern turret design.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
What I find really weird is that something with very obvious wings has to have fake wings for robot mode that as far as I can tell serve no other purpose.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
What I find really weird is that something with very obvious wings has to have fake wings for robot mode that as far as I can tell serve no other purpose.

Now that's not fair. While it's true that those wings spent most of their 20's bouncing around from job to job with no real direction in life, they've now settled into a good position at the steel mill and have been taking night classes in accounting. Plus, they've been dating Michelle for about 18 months now and things seem to be getting pretty serious.

Fenix Twilight

Well-known member
And we thought Takara painting in the bars connecting the cockpit to the plane body on the G1 Aerialbot limb-bots onto the UW versions was bad. =/ Seriously - there's exacting detail, and there's just asinine.
How about Takara painting the back of Sunstreaker silver to mimic his engine, which is exactly what his handfootgun does already.

My brain can't seem to decide if I like Arcee, half the time like when I see her with Optimus and Bulkhead it's all "oh cool, G1 versions of Team Prime nice to see them again", but when I see her alone I can't seem to think of her as G1 style Prime Arcee, but I do think she'd look good with Elita-1 and her team.... Who I own none of.. Drat.


Well-known member
The weird thing about the stupid tank cockpit is that they're not even going for slavishly cartoon accurate, because if they were they wouldn't have gone for a more modern turret design.
Nor would they have made the cockpit red.

Even within a single figure, what Hasbro is or isn't accurate about is just baffling.
(Between figures, it's just batshit. A G1 Blitzwing that copies a mistake from the animation model, and a Prime Bulkhead that doesn't give a jive about looking like it's even from Prime, in the same line?)


Well-known member
So it's a mistake from the toy, then. A mistake from the animation model in Blitzwing's case would be if he had a tank barrel growing out of his head or if he had a second pair of jet thrusters on his back.


Well-known member

The G1 animation model got the tank mode wrong because whoever drew it had the turret backwards.

-ZacWilliam, the error is in the Animation model and this toy copied that.

Salt-Man Z

that is not dead which can eternal lie
I always assumed Blitzwing's cockpit went in front in tank mode, mostly because I preferred his jet thrusters in the back. But a quick Google of his G1 toy packaging and instructions confirms that the cockpit does indeed go in the back!


Well-known member
G1 cartoon also animated Sandstorm minus his stickers, and speaking of Sandstorm, isn't it time we got a good Broadside figure?


Well-known member
I saw Kickback. I like the smaller sized ones from the previous line.

As for a new, cartoon styled Sandstorm…100x yes!

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
re: Kickback and Blitzwing both, they both for me fall into the trap of 'I already have a version that works for me'. Other releases have tended to be that or 'I had it and got rid of it before there was another option, so clearly I didn't care about that one'. I'm at the age now where I'm having to quit chasing "the best", however that's defined, and instead work more on what is best for ME. I just can't get multiple versions of something anymore, I don't have the time, the space, or the disposable income. For me to leap at something, especially if it's fifty bucks plus, it has to really wow me, or bring something entirely new and interesting to my setup, like the fossilizers or the HISS Megatron. I do look forwards to seeing all the pictures everyone will come out with, but I'm going to have to live vicariously, especially if I want that battery truck coming out soon.


Well-known member
The problem with the TR figure is it's not a bad figure, but it's a poor representation of Broadside even though he had three animation models.
I think some wanted a leader class figure, one the size of Prime Wars leaders based on his gestalt size appearance in the cartoon.
As for the Aerialbots coming with the TR figure, that's based on the scenes of them rescuing the Autobots from Quintessa in Five Faces of Darkness where they seemed to be piloting Broadside.


too old for this
Blitz looks decent enough for my purposes. Very slavish to G1, mistakes and all.
While I would have liked some incorporation of his animated stuff, this is good. Really not a big fan of the 'voyager w/ accessories' thing though.

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