Transformers Legacy toyline

The Phazer

Well-known member
Yeah, like there are things about him I like - his alt mode is a little bit more coherent but still feels consistent, and the worker mode is definitely better.

But he also loses his wheel turning into the axe, which is literally the only thing he does in the show, he's got no integration with his minicon any more, and the vehicle mode is missing it's cockpit.

Really there's no excuse for compromise in a toy that's literally just "the original, but five times the price at retail."


Koopaling Aficionado

Sneaky sneaky Hasbro...


Well-known member
Yeah, like there are things about him I like - his alt mode is a little bit more coherent but still feels consistent, and the worker mode is definitely better.

But he also loses his wheel turning into the axe, which is literally the only thing he does in the show, he's got no integration with his minicon any more, and the vehicle mode is missing it's cockpit.

Really there's no excuse for compromise in a toy that's literally just "the original, but five times the price at retail."
Does he even have his Mini-Con at all?
After Omega Supreme came with Countdown and the Ark with Mainframe, neither of which they had to have to be considered "complete" or were even really associated with them previously, I hadn't even considered the idea that Metroplex wouldn't come with Drill Bit, which he is incomplete without.

For that matter I assumed he'd have a (non-functioning) Cyber Planet Key.


Active member
I tried to make a "Metroplex at home" joke about this literally just an upscaled and more expensive version of a $50 from 7 years ago. I couldn't get it to land right. Anyone want to take a crack at it?

The literal most exciting thing about this reveal (for me) is that it confirms Inferno is coming out.


Active member
The price of this really makes you wonder how Star Saber was so cheap. I guess SS is closer to a Commander class toy, but still.


An oldie but a goodie!
Metro looks great, but between his price and his lack of a partner, I'll be waiting for sale prices before picking him up.


Continuity Nutcase
At least he's closer in size to how big he actually was in the cartoon.


Now we just need Supreme class toys (Commander class is too small) of Quickmix and Menasor to make all three Gigantion characters in-show-scale with the original toyline.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
The price of this really makes you wonder how Star Saber was so cheap. I guess SS is closer to a Commander class toy, but still.
We recently got a price increase, so I imagine that Victory Saber would cost like 15-20% more if they held the campaign now.


Well-known member
Well this'll kill it.

Titan class I mean. What possessed them to release this version of the character is beyond me, they'd probably do better with a Thrilling 30 Metroplex reissue.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know what to make of it yet. There's a bunch of little improvements but they don't add up to a very whelming impression overall, while it's missing more immediately noticeable things like the Minicon and the Cyber Key gimmick.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I tried to make a "Metroplex at home" joke about this literally just an upscaled and more expensive version of a $50 from 7 years ago. I couldn't get it to land right. Anyone want to take a crack at it?

The literal most exciting thing about this reveal (for me) is that it confirms Inferno is coming out.
Yeah, not sure where you're trying to go with that given Cybertron Metroplex was last available in 2006...SIXTEEN years ago.

I'm actually impressed with how Metroplex turned out. I really DO think they managed to address a good number of flaws of the original toy. I like the revised Brute mode and the push to more weapons. He loses the Minicon ports, but I'm not so sure that's a big deal since the play patterns has been pretty dead for a number of years now. But I do lament the loss of the massive axe weapon, and it surprises me they couldn't keep that feature integrated to some degree at this price point.

All that said, it's still a $200 toy when I'm supposed to be cutting back and, again, he's not DRASTICALLY different from the Metroplex I have sitting in my closet.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
This will be the first Titan I have zero interest in buying. I mean it's fine but I've got the original and it's never really done anything for me. A just slightly better on is not something i need.

-ZacWilliam, the irony is I'd love more out of the box Titans, and I feel bad not supporting this but $200 is more the n I can pay for something I just don't much care about.

Exact same feeling here. I mean, if someone gave it to me as a gift I'd be happy to have it, but I didn't follow the Cybertron cartoon and definitely do not have $200 worth of attachment to the character. The toy seems fun, but not enough to sway me into making the purchase.

I'm totally up for non G1 Titans (Tidal Wave being the obvious front runner) and/or original characters like the Ark and potentially the Nemesis if rumors are true, but this one just doesn't do much for me.


Well-known member
I'd be more up for it if he had Drillbit and his Axe gimmick. Even the lack of minicon ports is weird; because BULKHEAD has them. How does Bulkhead, a Prime character, have actual, minicon ports and not the guy from a universe that actually had Minicons?

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