Transformers Legacy toyline


Two arms and one smile
I am glad for those that like him but this really doesn't do much for me; no connection to the toy or character whatsoever. I passed on the original 16 years ago and I'll be passing on this.


Well-known member
This will be the first Titan I have zero interest in buying. I mean it's fine but I've got the original and it's never really done anything for me. A just slightly better on is not something i need.

-ZacWilliam, the irony is I'd love more out of the box Titans, and I feel bad not supporting this but $200 is more the n I can pay for something I just don't much care about.
I'm mostly in the same boat. I don't totally begrudge the price tag, but I also don't have much of a connection to him, nor do I have a spot in my display. Had this been a 22" tall Tidal Wave though well, we'd be having a different conversation and I'd be figuring out how to rearrange.

Really there's no excuse for compromise in a toy that's literally just "the original, but five times the price at retail."

Well, he's also at least bigger.

The price of this really makes you wonder how Star Saber was so cheap. I guess SS is closer to a Commander class toy, but still.

Because war/oil/shipping/plague/inflation means everything is more expensive now.
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Wondering bot
Metroplex, looks ok, but honestly, I feel they should of done this Metroplex as a commander class than a titan class, thou this is merely my view!


Kaiser Dragon
He looks good. I'd like to get him. But the combination of price, lack of space, and the fact that I'm just not really that interested in Cybertron Metroplex means that I think this will be the first time I watch to see if a Titan will go on clearance at some point down the road. If not, I don't think missing him will hurt too much.


I’m not dead yet!
Still have the Cybertron original and other than the paint job don’t see this as an improvement. I can understand losing the Cyber Key as it wouldn’t be relevant to the toyline over all. But losing Drillbit is a sad move considering every non combiner Titan has featured another Transformer included in the box with the Titans. Heck I doubt anyone would have expected Mainframe coming with the Ark, so that was a good bonus. Now for the first time we get a Titan with an expected partner figure that no one would have batted an eye at if it had been less than an inch tall, and they excluded him? Nope! No Sale!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
+ The alt mode has new details making it easier to see the bucket wheel excavator it's trying to be.
+ The head is now hidden in alt mode.
+ Hiding the head allows the bucket wheel assembly to sit lower, tightening up the alt mode.
+ The hands are now hidden in alt mode.
+ The arms are reoriented in alt mode, again tightening up the whole thing.
+ A.I.R Lock compatibility.
+ The Work Mode's transformation is very different, resulting in the shoulder cannons now pointing forwards, making them matter more.
+ Said shoulder cannons are now articulated.
+ Hand Lasers Claw and Bucket Wheel! It's a lot more interesting than just having the same arms as the normal robot mode.
+ Ankle tilts!
+ Ankle swivels!
+ The robot mode's proportions are very different. The arms no longer look too short for how long everything else is.
+ The robot mode now has a visible neck. No Transformer ever looks better without a neck.
+ The shoulders now have extra joints.
+ Wrist joints.
+ Thumb joints.
+ Opening mouth.
+ The weapon now has two handles, and one is articulated, allowing some new posing options.

- Hiding the head in alt mode means the cockpit is now gone too.
- The new transformation means the Work Mode no longer has hands. The weapon arms are cool, but they're mandatory.
- Where is the minicon? This is the first non-combiner Titan not to come with a little bot, isn't it?
- Where is the Cyber Key gimmick? Not even a manually operated equivalent? No representation of it whatsoever?
- $200


Well-known member

This thread has come the closest of anything to making me want him. See this is why character and a sense of fun matter in bringing a toy to life.

ZacWilliam, Tell me a story of a giant and flamboyantly Scottish Miner Foreman whose weird and goofy and you'll make me want a $200 thing, but damn all if I don't need ya ta do that werk, Laddie-Buck


I'll think of something later.
I guess they're leaning in to the Cybertron series nostalgia? The kids who were seven or eight when Cybertron was on TV are in their early 20's now. It seems like a mis-step to us, but maybe it will sell better than we think.


Active member
I don't really have any nostalgic feelings for the original (the toy is cool, and I have it, but I never watched the cartoon) so I know right away I won't be getting this. That said, I think it looks pretty cool, and as CoffeeHorse's post above points out, there's a lot to like about it. The Cyber Key gimmick of splitting the wheel into the axe-head doesn't seem like a big deal, though I can certainly understand given the $200 price that it feels like it should have everything. Missing the Minicon feels like a big mistake, though.

I too am curious to know what the sales will be (and expectations, I'm sure Hasbro knows that a Titan version of a 2006 toy probably won't have the same attraction as G1 Metroplex or Devastator for example). Maybe there's a horde of younger generation UT fans who will be clamoring for it though.


Well-known member
I guess they're leaning in to the Cybertron series nostalgia? The kids who were seven or eight when Cybertron was on TV are in their early 20's now. It seems like a mis-step to us, but maybe it will sell better than we think.
What seems strange is doing a Cybertron character as the Titan without many Cybertron characters in the smaller sizes. (Override is rumored, but I don't think any others are.)


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders


Well-known member
What seems strange is doing a Cybertron character as the Titan without many Cybertron characters in the smaller sizes. (Override is rumored, but I don't think any others are.)
Well we did get Galaxy Optimus Prime and Hot Shot in Seige, so we have gotten some recently; even if not yet in this line.


Continuity Nutcase
And those who still have their original Cybertron/Galaxy Force toys will finally have a Metroplex that's as tall as he was on the show in relation to the other characters.


I'll think of something later.
What seems strange is doing a Cybertron character as the Titan without many Cybertron characters in the smaller sizes. (Override is rumored, but I don't think any others are.)

Maybe testing the water to see if there's a demand for such things? Kinda seems like a risky proposition if it is.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well people have been wanting another Metroplex since the original is now stupid expensive on the after market; and Hasbro listened, they gave us /another/ Metroplex.

Someone needs to stop wishing on the monkey paw.

Ha! True. I missed out on the first Titan Metroplex because I couldn't afford it. I'm in a better position financially now to where if they had reissued him or, more unlikely, done a new mold, I may have bit. The occasional quick check of ebay continues to convince me that I don't need it at aftermarket prices.

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