I see everyone everywhere LOVING Jhiaxus and I'm hugely happy he exists and I'm very happy to have him I just want to check if everyone's is like mine.
The ankle side tilt on mine is super loose. it doesn't effect the figure at all except when you pick him up the feet immediately and completely flop around to the side. Also, Unless they are clipped all the way forward his ankle bat-wings are the same way, they lock forward fine but are otherwise super loose and floppy when not locked in. Lastly his head is very loose and floppy. It's not a big deal because he doesn't have a big neck range of movement so there's not manny places for his head to flop but it's noticeable.
I was just wondering if this is something other folks with Jhiaxus have noticed and don't care about (none are a huge deal really) or if I just got one that's slightly low on the tolerances?
-ZacWilliam, he's still awesome and looks great standing on display, the handful of floppy loose bits is just a very slight annoyance.