As one who still has the original Animated Prowl, the Animated Samurai Prowl, and the Japanese-exclusive G1-colored Animated Elite Guard Prowl, I ask myself what this new G1-ified Animated Prowl offers me that those original toys don't?
For you? Probably not much aside from gelling with other recent Generations toys.
BUT, for someone who wasn’t able to get an Animated Prowl FIFTEEN YEARS AGO…it might be a more cost effective solution than trying to hunt down one on the secondary market.
I think it bears repeating that, if you have a remake or character from 2005 to about 2015? A new Generations version is very likely to NOT be a definitive update. At best, we’re seeing “sidegrades”, new iterations that choose a different design focus than prior attempts at a design or character. It’s not about finding something better, it’s about what this iteration does differently and if that works for you or not.
The Junkion looks fine. I’m not sure I’m going to be buying much into the subset, but I appreciate the design work work on another Junkion Bike that doesn’t share design notes with WreckGar. And I’m sure the more talented people will be making some wonderfully weird mixes with this and Scrapheap.
Prowl looks surprisingly good to me. If you had asked me what an Animated Prowl would look like in the current Generations brand, I’m not sure he would have ended up as nice as this turned out. He’s chonkier , but they still managed to keep all his core design elements. His chin is more pronounced, he has his ninja stars, and I think the thicker look actually helps with the CHiPs inspiration come through a little better. I’m actually quite surprised they gave him the “neutral hands”, a design quirk that kind of disappeared after 2013 or so, when Generations got a bit more standardized.
Not sure I see where the guns are some are talking about. I see the handlebars, but they don’t appear removable. If anything, it looks like they are supposed to be swung up farther to create a clean line on his “back wings”