What drew me to Reprolabels initially was the quality of their G1 sticker sheet replicas. In the 90s, I ordered from them quite a bit as I completed more and more of my G1 collection. As time went on and the Transformers brand branched out and offered more, so did their company; it makes sense. Increasingly though, it felt to me that a lot of the sets on offer seemed to exist solely to justify a price point, rather than to truly fulfill a deco need.
I still do enjoy buying from them on occasion, because they really do make nice-quality stuff (for instance, I like that they are doing some weapons and dioramas). But as Undead Scottsman and G.B. Blackrock have said, it would be nice if there were more options available - particularly with the larger sticker sets. For me at least, it would feel less "blatantly cash-grabby" if sets that already contain multiple sheets could be purchased separately. It probably isn't too likely to happen, but I think that there may be a segment of the market who would benefit from being able to buy partial / scaled back sheets.