Geroni-do-ron-ron-ron-i-moooooo!!!Legacy Evolution Voyager Junkion Trashmaster is ready to kick some scrap all the while quoting amazing wrestler quotes! Oooo yeahhh!
Ejima san really out did himself on all of these Junkions! The whole concept is cocka-doodle-do status!
Big shout out to @marcelomatere as you can see the concept art he did for this guy is rad!
The amount of up front work on this big bad bro was immense. Just to much for one post really, maybe in the future I can figure out a way to capture it all so you can truly appreciate this serious junk hunk.
The deets…evofusion capability intact, front and backend can be customizable with the other junkions, a junk heap load of accessories, the compactor is usable in vehicle mode
, blast effect capability on hand blasters, articulation on legs is some of the most satisfying fluid movements due to the ankle joints, transformation sequence is classic but still fresh, color scheme matches other Junkions, creative combining fun for hours!
Do ya smelllllllll what the Trashmaster is cooking!