UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss


Active member
What a turn of events.

A spokesperson for Sturgeon said she had met the police by arrangement, in the knowledge that she would be arrested and interviewed.

“Nicola Sturgeon has today, Sunday 11 June, by arrangement with Police Scotland, attended an interview where she was to be arrested and questioned in relation to Operation Branchform,” the spokesperson said. “Nicola has consistently said she would cooperate with the investigation if asked, and continues to do so.”

Her husband, Peter Murrell, the former chief executive of the SNP, was arrested at their home in Uddingston near Glasgow on 5 April after plainclothes officers arrived without warning. He was interviewed under caution for nearly 12 hours before being released without charge.

The police searched their home and back garden, and also the SNP’s headquarters, under warrant, taking out boxes of documents and computers. A luxury motorhome parked outside Murrell’s mother’s house in Fife was also seized and impounded by police, as part of their investigation.

Colin Beattie MSP, then the party’s treasurer, was arrested and questioned as part of the same inquiry on 18 April and also released later without charge, pending further investigation.

Anonymous X

Well-known member

Anonymous X

Well-known member


unfortunate shark issues
On the up side, the Conservatives just lost two by-elections in "safe" seats, and are now starting to panic about the next general election.


NOT a New Member.
On the up side, the Conservatives just lost two by-elections in "safe" seats, and are now starting to panic about the next general election.

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
RTD just keeps serving up the classics, doesn't he? Canonizing Beep the Meep, bringing back the Celestial Toymaker, and now this....


Well-known member
This will cost an estimated £169,000 per person, according to a government assessment.

Hahaha, wut? You could save money just giving them 100k to settle in the UK. Probably juice your economy too since they aren’t going to buy real estate in another country or whatever British oligarchs do with their riches.

Nativists pissed that much money is going to “foreigners”? Pair them up with a British family and each half gets 50k. Same economic benefit and they just might keep voting Tory with that kind of largesse…

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean, they COULD do the fiscally responsible, socially responsible, morally and ethically right thing... but then they couldn't be complete and utter prolapsed anuses to humans in need of basic help and dignity.

Won't someone think of the anuses!?!??

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