UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss


unfortunate shark issues
Christmas Party update: The civil servant whom Boris Johnson put in charge of investigating the claims that there were parties during lockdown has had to quit... because it turns out his office was also having a party last Christmas when everyone was supposed to be in lockdown:


Anonymous X

Well-known member
So, the Chancellor (finance minister) may be a big tax cheat. A few days ago it was even revealed that his wife is non-domicile and doesn’t pay UK tax on her millions, despite living at 11 Downing Street.



jumbled pile of person
I'm confused; I thought the BBC was the public channel and Channel 4 (formerly ITV) was the private one, and that's what made them distinct back in your equivalent of our "only three channels" era. Am I to believe now that Channel 4 is more like your version of PBS?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
I'm confused; I thought the BBC was the public channel and Channel 4 (formerly ITV) was the private one, and that's what made them distinct back in your equivalent of our "only three channels" era. Am I to believe now that Channel 4 is more like your version of PBS?
BBC and Channel 4 are both public. The difference is that the BBC is funded by the TV licence (and thus airs no advertising), and Channel 4 is funded by on-air advertising.

ITV isn’t connected to Channel 4.

If you want the history, basically… We had three TV channels until Channel 4 launched in 1982, BBC1, BBC2 and ITV, but the latter was never called ITV onscreen (it solely used the name of the regional franchise, eg Thames for Greater London, Granada for northwest England, etc, until 1999-2001). Channel 4 has always been public, but was set up originally to be more ‘intellectual’ channel, and air programmes that BBC and ITV wouldn’t commission or broadcast. It’s become much more populist since the mid ‘90s, however. But to its credit, it still makes stuff that is unique, and it’s new programming is the only one left on the mainstream channels still aimed at adults.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Tradition and because Parliament started out as a way for the nobility to rein in the powers of the monarchy to tax them.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Why is the House of Lords a thing?

Ironbite-then again....
When it works, it works surprisingly well. Given that we have no written constitution, and
governments can do what they want without the House of Lords, at least when the Lords bother to do their job. (I still want to replace the House of Lords with an elected senate, and have a written constitution. And Britain become a republic.)

Anyway, I find it ironic that Brexit supporters said we had to leave the ‘undemocratic’ EU, yet the EU has a European Parliament we had a vote on every five years. Now we’re out of having a say in that, and still stuck with the completely appointed House of Lords. I hate Brexit.


Well-known member
So wait, are they implying that nuclear weapons are a deterrent against criminals? "Don't steal cars or we will nuke your ass"?

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