Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection - Transformers: Legacy subline at Walmart

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
My Pulse Cosmos arrived yesterday. I'm really impressed with him, moreso than I expected! I cancelled my other Pulse preorders except for Override and Scourge, but I haven't seen anything at retail yet here. Still plan to pick up Road Rocket, Blurr and Hauler when I see them. Not huge on Diaclone repaints but I might get them on a slow day if they are hanging around


An oldie but a goodie!
Well, I give up. Not finding the toys on the shelf is one thing, but the uncooperative idiots Wal-Mart has working for their Customer Service department just took my frustration to a whole new level. It's apparently impossible for them to check for a product, even if a customer has an EAN number available for them.

This time, the scalpers get my money.

Damn, that's frustrating. I checked one on the way to work this morning but there was no evidence of the Speedia stuff anywhere. Checked the aisles, end caps - nothing. I'm going to look at a few more stores before I give up.
Don't give up already, they've literally just started hitting shelves.

At least give it a few weeks before giving up.


Well-known member
Again, lousy customer service. Between that and me not having the time or patience to routinely check Wal-Marts and hope to find a toy that's shortpacked and likely scalper-bait already, just buying it off eBay's the easier option.


Was Megatron right?
When I was looking for Netflix 'Bee, I'd hit up four or five Walmarts in the span of a couple days. It's crazy how different the distribution seemed to be at each store, and really, the stores weren't that far apart.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Meanwhile, I keep checking my order status on Walmart's site like c'mon. Move...


Agent X

Kreon Bastard
My walmarts are now opening at 6am (opposed to 8) which means I can hit a few when I get off work. So far only Found Override and Hauler (and the Haulers move faster that Override. The Hell?!)

And this whole thing with Cosmos really puts the Eff You in UFO.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I saw the case for Road Hauler at our local Walmart on a pallet out for stocking on Monday night, and I tried to play nice and left it alone. Went in the next morning, found Override instead. Thursday, I went in on my lunch break, they had pallets out again, found the deluxe case. Got Cosmos and Road Rage, left the others for later. As of today, they still haven't stocked the other deluxes, and Road Hauler is nowhere to be seen. They also seem to have stalled out on resetting the mod. I don't know what is going on, but it's the first time in a long while my local Walmart has gotten anything in first!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Local Walmart is doing a big toy reset, put out one case of the deluxes. And Cosmos was already gone. And Burn Out was hidden on a riser halfway down the aisle. Moved him back down with the rest, picked up Blurr.

Powered Convoy

I found the Deluxes and Override last Tuesday. Ripped open the cases to get them. My fiance found Hauler the day after. Haven't seen Scourge yet. Both Walmarts that had figures you wouldn't be able to tell as they're all gone now.


singularly focused
my grocery trip was just slightly too early today to see velocitron on shelves.
Saw the pegs set up and a stack of boxes a couple isles over, but didn't feel like bothering the employee for them.(tho I probably could have used us both having purple hair as an icebreaker)

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Well, since today's the projected delivery day for Override, and no progress has been made toward shipping I was expecting some kind of delay, but...


Ooofa doofa. Hopefully Scourge doesn't suffer the same fate...

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
...yeah, they still got pre-orders open for those two, so Imma just switch that over real quick.


Wondering bot
My Scrouge should be on its way within the next day or so, I got Comsos arriving today, intersting transformation that he has!


singularly focused
Any last bets on which mold Shadow Striker is using?
Sounds like it won't be long till we see her

I'm just hoping she's not Elita

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