Vi's cave of bad choices


Nonstop Baaka
Picked up Encanto on DVD today, Target exclusive that comes with some art made by Columbian artists.
Enjoyed the movie a lot, and immediately watched the special features on it. To the surprise of absolutely no one, Luisa and her song are my favorites. We Don't Talk About Bruno was also great.

I was reminded of Steven Universe and the Diamonds, particularly with Abuela/White Diamond and keeping up appearances/pretending that everything is fine. I think I would have preferred that they didn't regain their powers at the end, but Disney (also the Magical Realism mentioned in the extras). I think Pepa's powers would be one of the worst to have, trying to keep her emotions in check. Poor thing looks so frazzled most of the time. XD Also, just a tiny thing to notice, but I loved Dolores' tiny squeaks that she does sometimes. Her quiet part in Bruno's somg was just perfect.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
It's from the Ninjago line, Zane's Titan Mech, I think. I don't follow Ninjago, but it was a 10 inch tall kickass Lego Mech at less than $50, kind of hard to pass on.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Dang, lego gettin' fancy.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
He's decidedly Leader scaled, very good joints, excellent paint. Honestly just a steal at the price they're asking.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Can he hold the old toy's weapons? I think I have a spare of the giant gatling launcher and I'm sure he'd love more dakka.

The Nth Doctor

The only thing I'll add is that we had a mild hiccup with the local delivery service since we used the free delivery.

At least in this neck of the woods, they use UDS, which Vi informs me is pretty shitty. Obviously, different states/countries will vary, but if you're ordering in Indiana, keep that in mind.

That said, it got here and in one piece, so *shrugs* obviously it's not super bad.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
Can he hold the old toy's weapons? I think I have a spare of the giant gatling launcher and I'm sure he'd love more dakka.
I unfortunately don't own the original anymore to check. I lost it in my last move due to how I had to move (barely more than the clothes in my back) - and he's been too pricey to justify replacing so far, so I don't know.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Can he hold the old toy's weapons? I think I have a spare of the giant gatling launcher and I'm sure he'd love more dakka.
I've been trying to figure out a way to finagle a handle onto movie 1 Ironhide's combined cannon so he can have a vague approximation of the old missile minigun, but coming up blank so far. Pegholes are just too big for anything lego-y I've got lying around.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver

Turns out he can just freehand it pretty well, and I'm honestly into the "just ripped it off some poor shmuck" vibe it gives off, especially since he gives off such enormous slasher energy if you give him both his swords.

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