We all Warframe Together

The Doctor Who

Now With Sheffield Steel!
In a not-so-shocking twist, I am back on my Switch account because, if they're genuinely going cross-save, there's really no point in doing anything on the PC till I can just sync up with this one.

The main thing I've been working on is getting Yareli leveled up and moded. She seems pretty fun so far. Not exactly my cup of tea, per se, but not nearly as offensive as some people seem to be making her out to be. Then again, I think she's had a patch or two since I actually got the frame, so maybe I missed some period where she was terribly underpowered.

I'm just making all kinds of grabby hands at the cross-play and cross-saves right now. Gimme!

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Yeah, crossplay is like the most anticipated feature in ever and it's not hard to appreciate why - even as an exclusively PC player, I'm psyched to see the playerbase all in one place when it all comes together.

It's good to hear Yareli is okay now! Originally, the CC effects of her 1 and 4 were a complete joke thanks to her having very little range, which left her without any obvious role or gameplay loop, just a bunch of weak damage abilities. After the second round of buffs, she started to make sense to me on paper, but I haven't made my way through the, to me, fairly punishing sequence of K-Drive "challenges" to unlock her. I love the use of the comic to introduce her and wish every frame got one of those, though, and her animation set is ❤ on my Nezha. = D

I ground out all the Tenet guns and as many of the ephemeras as I could stand to after the Sisters of Parvos hit, and I freaking love the Dual Diplos. There are a lot of dual autopistol weapons and even a couple of Corpus projectile ones in this game, and it's a weapon type I like a lot, but I didn't expect to be blown away by yet another one. But they're absurdly effective and satisfying, their sound effects are so good that I had two other players in matches message me to ask what I was using, and they look like a pair of very respectable staple guns 😁 When I went to rename them to get rid of the lengthy Sister name, I dubbed mine the Akbostich.

The Doctor Who

Now With Sheffield Steel!
I mean, bearing in mind that I'm a filthy casual. I find Yareli fun to play, but I haven't really put her to any real stress test yet. Still working on leveling her up since I don't have as much time for Warframe as I did what with focusing on my writing.

But damned if I didn't even think of her idle animation and Nezha. Though might be just a bit too cute for my particular theme.

Copper Bezel

Revenge against God for the crime of Being.
Fair. I basically go all in for cute with Nezha. X ]


Nothing wrong with being a casual at a game like this. That's just healthy. 😣 If I was spending some fraction of my time playing Warframe writing something instead, I think I'd feel good about that trade....


New member
Swaz-do-lah, tenno! Dragging this one up from the void, anyone else here still play? I've been on board for about five years now, I'm a slow-ass casual who hasn't finished 2nd Dream but is spoiled about the story through that point; beyond that I'm as spoiled as anyone who has kept up with the teasers and trailers. Duviri looks weird and 1999 looks fun.

I started as an Excalibro, but as a primarily solo player I suppose I main Vauban (thank you Movember cosmetics for giving me the perfect avatar) and Titania Prime just for the sheer utility and mobility. I've lucked into a couple primes just from tapping relics (Titania, Harrow, and Baruuk), and I'm slowly going back and punching out the frames you get from regular starchart bossfights. Just since the holidays I finally remembered to go back and beat up the Hyenas on Neptune a few more times, so now I have vanilla Loki cooking. Basically I keep getting distracted from story progress by building and leveling things, and Nightwave shinies - but to get to Pluto I do actually need to finish 2nd Dream, so it's gotta happen eventually.

And a little bit of photography, just to liven things up!

I don't normally do a lot of add-ons to my frames, but somehow Ember needed to be a sentai hero:
Ember cropped.jpg

Nova of course got the Portal cosplay:
Nova Portal.jpg

Caliban and the boys aren't based on anything, they just turned out neat:

Also not based on anything particular, but the color RNG mostly gave me this for Punch Man, only needed minor tweaks:

I need to find/get some good shots of the others, now that I've started playing around with captura mode more.

See you around the System!


too old for this
Since Destiny is in kind of a slump, I started playing Warframe again. Hit MR 16 last night, in fact!
There's a lot of things i need to do, but I have way more fun cracking relics and just goofing around.
Mostly I stick with my main frame, Rhino Prime, but I do need to get Loki leveled up. Going through my weapons and getting them all leveled for the mastery ranks. Just got done with the Lex sidearm. It is not a good weapon.


New member
Since Destiny is in kind of a slump, I started playing Warframe again. Hit MR 16 last night, in fact!
There's a lot of things i need to do, but I have way more fun cracking relics and just goofing around.
Mostly I stick with my main frame, Rhino Prime, but I do need to get Loki leveled up. Going through my weapons and getting them all leveled for the mastery ranks. Just got done with the Lex sidearm. It is not a good weapon.
MR12 here, and finally using some guns that were mastery level locked but I've had the blueprints for ages. Fulmin Prime is such a satisfying buzzsaw.

And ah, Rhino, the OG Punch Man! Need to revisit mine at some point; I got a look I love, but I don't think I've even shoved a potato in him yet.

Leveling weapons has quickly taught me (I say after five years playing) the types I like and dislike. I find secondaries in general are kind of a pain to level just because it takes so long to get kills with them, especially with slow ones like throwing knives, but I find uses for 'em (Lex Prime, coincidentally enough, is my main sniper-pistol); and as much as I like the look of the big heavy melee weapons I just don't like playing with them - just too dang slow! And whips are so janky that it's not fun.


too old for this
Warframe really needs a destiny style profile page where you can show off your frames and weapons.
As far as secondary weapons, I have a good pair of matched pistols that I swear by. Can't remember their in game name off top of my head.
I'm trying to get the parts to Sybaris Prime. I have Dex Sybaris and it is one of my primary 'go tos' but I'd like the Prime as well. There's just something about the lever action rifle that really satisfies. The fact that it's a head seeking monster is a bonus.

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