We Believe in Metal


I'm not normally into metal, except for one specific subsection - fantasy metal. I picked up Blind Guardian's Nightfall in Middle Earth years ago, got one other of theirs; more recently, the youtubes pointed me to Rhapsody of Fire and Wind Rose. Got any other recommendations along those lines?


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Twilight Force for sure. Most of the rest i can think of off the top of my head cross genres, like Gloryhammer's first album was fantasy, but the second was basically Warhammer 40k styled, the third went back more fantasy, then the 4th album was Fallout-styled. Angus McSix is more science fantasy so far, with a fantasy theme, but stuff like a cyborg dinosaur in the same album.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Next album is in early 2026, and definitely going off on its own now, as Angus now has a brother named Adam. Winkler is apparently taking some time off(at the least) to spend more time with his family now that his first kid was just born, so they got a new vocalist(Sam Nyman of Manimal) who will be Adam McSix for this next album. Hope by the time of the third one Winkler's ready to pick up the sword again and we get some killer duets.

Also they got another new band member too who plays the orc in this, and I think is an alternate drummer for Skaw?



And I'm hardly above blending in some scifi into gonzo rock-opera metal. Thanks for the recs!

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