WFC Kingdom Appreciation Thread


These things are announced on a roughly monthly basis, right? Do we know yet which set Terrorsaur is going to be in?

The Phazer

Well-known member
Not a huge fan of Huffer and Pipes being fused together. Especially when Pipes is getting his own toy in this line! Could have used this opportunity to give an original character a bio. Looks nice otherwise.


Well-known member
I'd have liked an original character with his own new personality more, definitely. But given this group seems less inclined to including story and character with the toys at all, compared to past teams, I'll take it as a pleasant victory that we got anything at all.

-ZacWilliam, still want Pipes and Huffer, even if there's now a toy of them Steavonnie-ing too.

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
I like Puffer as a toy deco of Pipes, but don't care for that Gobot chap. All of the Kingdom 2 packs, have saddled someone I want with someone I don't. Luckily none of them are must haves for me, so I'm comfortable skipping, but if Puffer, Sideswipe, or Mirage were available solo, I'd probably bite.


I’m not dead yet!
So who is all rumored to be in this Golden Disc series. I see Terrorsaur tossed in and supposedly Tigatron or am I getting things mixed up.


Well-known member
So who is all rumored to be in this Golden Disc series. I see Terrorsaur tossed in and supposedly Tigatron or am I getting things mixed up.

Puffer and Road Ranger
Terrorsaur (Airazor retool)
G1 Jackpot (86 Jazz retool)
Tigatron (Orange Prototype deco)


...even Team Whirl.
On the pulse site:

"Autobot Puffer comes with 2 blaster accessories and features a fun fan nod (insert nod here)."

Should've edited the entry one more time, or, we're supposed to nod?

(Cue up a Night at the Roxbury gif...)


I’m not dead yet!
So as long as Normal Tigatron is still mainline Terrorsaur is the only one I need to worry about. Ok.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
Missed the Pulse preorder due to class starting, but not too worried. I really only like Road Ranger for his altmode, and while Puffer has a fine deco himself, I prefer the silver weapons for Pipes (assuming he does in fact come with two).


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I was afraid that Beast Wars would be completely tied to the show forever, for understandable reasons but still. But no, we're in Orange Prototype territory.


Stone and Sky
Here's hoping Orange Tigatron's got the freakish mutant head from the art (and looking more organic than Shadow Panther's more steel helmet-like face)

Kinda strange to me how a set of two repaints of the same mold have become a thing in WfC.


Unofficial Pope of Devconism
Just got Waspinator and Shadow Panther, I'll be reviewing them later this week but here's my first thoughts.

Shadow Panther: A neat repaint of cheetor, the solid black "Panther" has a very nice overall deco. The piercing red eyes are a nice touch. Robot mode is where he shines for me. The silver and yellow do add to his overall look and the mutant head is a nice callback to the original toy line. I do still wish that the mold came with a blaster but I think I'll be able to find one suitable for him.

Waspinator: I've been comparing him heavily to T30 the last few hours, it's taken a lot of messing and fiddling but I do think Kingdom is better than T30. The beast mode rounds out better than the T30, the head and thorax being slimmed out makes his motif much cleaner. Transformation is a more realized version of the T30 figure. The robot mode has all the WFC articulation you'd expect, the bug legs are a bit annoying to work around but over time become a bit more tolerable.

I do like messing with these guys but neither of them are my top BW stuff of the year. Waspinator is a must for any Beast Wars fan and Shadow Panther is a nice update to a crucial part of Transformers history as he was the first black repaint.

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