WFC Kingdom Appreciation Thread


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Since Legacy doesn't have a narrow theme, they could repack anything from Kingdom and it wouldn't stick out.


Well-known member
Blaster looks dope; I haven't picked up any neo-versions of him so definitely hoping to be able to get him.


Kaiser Dragon
So I find it interesting that Blaster is WFC-K44. I'd expected that if he ever did materialize as a Kingdom release, he'd be WFC-K36.

Now that he's been revealed as #44, that means that not only is #36 still unknown, but there's presumably a #43 also. Have there been any other rumors about additional Kingdom releases? Blaster is the only one I can recall getting bounced around.

Octavius Prime

UT Enthusiast
I had not been overly excited for Blaster, but I'm glad we are getting him and he does look good. FoC Blaster is a great toy, but too rooted in the overly evil-looking Soundwave mold, and I also skipped on TR Blaster ; I just didn't feel the need for a big version of the character.

I fear that we will have to buy a later exclusive release to get an Eject that is molded in opaque plastic. Eject does look cool like this, but I worry for him.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
So I find it interesting that Blaster is WFC-K44. I'd expected that if he ever did materialize as a Kingdom release, he'd be WFC-K36.

Now that he's been revealed as #44, that means that not only is #36 still unknown, but there's presumably a #43 also. Have there been any other rumors about additional Kingdom releases? Blaster is the only one I can recall getting bounced around.
I've come across a SINGLE retailer listing for a Earthrise Starscream repack as K36. Which lines up with earlier reports. For one reason or another, it seems like this repack never ended up being released (maybe because of the Studio Series release?). Unless that's Blaster's casemate. Which we won't find out until sometime after Christmas when this toy makes its way to retail (SUPPOSEDLY)


Staff member
Council of Elders
I will say the buying experience with Kingdom has been a bit more smooth, seemingly having recovered a bit from the disruptions around Earthrise. The exclusives have been a bit less of a pain in the ass to get (I still have no idea if I'll ever be able to get a Runabout).


Well-known member
Kingdoms Blaster or Selects Twincast, Kingdoms Blaster or Selects Twincast....

What's the odds they'll spring to make Ramhorn, Steeljaw and rewind.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Would love a Twincast vs Soundblaster giftset (the latter using the Netflix mold), with Rosanna and Enemy.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
From what Kal understood they will not be putting Blaster up for preorder until he hits store shelves.
Hasbro... they don't understand what "pre" means, do they?


Well-known member
IIRC They said in the reveal that they aren't doing Preorders for him. He's just out when he's out. Probably a Covid shipping thing.

-ZacWilliam, not that it might stop other stores if they want to put em up.


Active member
Isn't Blaster the second voyager in wave one of Legacy? bbts has preorder for Bulkhead and mystery figure.


Well-known member
Yes, but before that he'll be In Wave 5 of Kingdom.

-ZacWilliam, just like Astrotrain was for the previous line.


Continuity Nutcase
Yeah, they said no preorders for Kingdom Blaster will be happening. But BBTS shows a possibility for the Legacy repack.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Does anyone with a Redcard know if Road Rage is actually still available? I’m thinking about biting the bullet and applying, but I don’t want to go through all that if it’s already sold out. Really don’t like supporting the Redcard exclusive stuff, but I don’t see that practice changing any time soon.

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