What happened to my Filmation He-man and She-ra???


Adam and Adora are innocent in all this. They don’t owe an explanation to anyone.

Man-At-Arms, the Sorceress, Queen Marlena, and King Randor failed to protect Adora from being kidnapped when she was just a helpless little baby. They could not get to Adora before Hordak got to her and took her away. Worse yet, they all gave up on trying to find her.

This is all on them.

Why would Adora want to go back or feel any allegiance to Eternia or her family when they did not keep her safe and gave up on trying to find her.

Her being kidnapped and raised by the Evil Horde is on them.

What did everybody think would happen when twin brother and sister are separated at birth and all of a sudden they meet during adulthood. It is well documented that what happens is that they get drawn to each other biologically, also in the case when a mother gives up her son when he’s a baby and they meet again when he grows up. There’s a case in England where they fell in love and got married because the attraction was too much for them to resist each other. Google it.

I would not have had any problem with Kit Harrington and Calysi getting married and ruling together. Game of Thrones would have had a much happier ending that way.


No, the human condition:

Idea for an Adam and Adora soap opera called “Power and Honor” about the effect on a family of letting a lunatic kidnap a twin daughter and then sending the grown up twin son to go find her years later.
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Koopaling Aficionado
That sure sounds like it would be a cartoon aimed at adults. Isn't that what you didn't want?


That sure sounds like it would be a cartoon aimed at adults. Isn't that what you didn't want?
You’re right. Filmation is ultimately what I want. I’ve kind of given up on Mattel producing a cartoon in the image of the Filmation He-man and She-ra cartoons which we know are already pop culture phenomenons:

even to this day. The main reason why this probably won’t happen is because of what we know about human nature. New creators have too big of an ego to simply follow the proven Filmation template of success even though the data says it will attract the mainstream (eg. the casual, normies who catapulted Masters the Universe into the bestselling toy line in the country while they were watching the Filmation He-man cartoon in 1983-1984). The sad fact of human nature is people want to feel special, important, put their own stamp on things even it means running He-man and She-ra into the ground. They want the credit; they don’t want it to go to Filmation. That’s what happened in the 80’s with the Barbie team getting jealous that Masters of the Universe came out of nowhere and outsold both Barbie and Hot Wheels. So what did they do? They saw an opportunity with She-ra to take her away from Masters of the Universe and put their own stamp on her, even if it meant destroying her.

I feel that a live-action show will more likely follow some template of success because it has to turn a profit. It’s more cutthroat. The creators have to be business-oriented and make money above all else, including their egos.

My hope is that Filmation can piggy-back off of that success and make a comeback as a result. These soap operas like Young the Restless, Days of our Lives, General Hospital, and Bold & The Beautiful have been around since the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s and they have followed the same formula because, it works!

Also, we know what music are hits and Filmation can ride that wave as well! We have the data to back that up. We know that an Adam and Adora music video like this will bring back the Filmation fans from the 80’s:

This music video clearly and powerfully depicts the angst Adam and Adora must feel when they go back and forth between Eternia and Etheria to visit each other, and the sadness they experience every time they have to leave, because they don’t get to spend enough time with each other. They need to make the most of each visit by “taking forever tonight. “

I know most people will not get this reference because it’s unique to the 80’s, but all the stuff that has come out since Filmation like New Adventures, 200X, CGI, Revelation, etc. is fine for Side B of the tape but unless you give me the Filmation I can put on Side A of the tape, Masters of the Universe will keep on going off like a lead ballon. For example, when Mattel unveiled the Kng Grayskull figure, the room was dead silent. People were saying, “ Who’s that? Why does He-man look so old? “ They were expecting Filmation, what they remembered and loved from the 80’s. Give me something I can put on Side A:

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Make no mistake, this is Filmation:

It’s what Filmation used (ie. the toys and play sets) to create the cartoon. They basically brought in the Filmation artists to look at the toys, take a tour (eg. of Castle Greyskull), and left the rest up to their imaginations.


The Filmation artists really knew how to draw beautifully, with realistic proportions:


What happened to this art design, style, backgrounds.

You don’t see professional-looking art like this anymore.

Were artists back then just better trained because they did not have the aid of computers?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Younger members of the Transformers fan community won’t remember this, but there were loads of guys exactly like this oddball in the online fandom during the ‘90s and early ‘00s who were obsessed with bringing back the Sunbow G1 cartoon exactly as-is, and wouldn’t accept any other form of Transformers fiction as legit. It got tiresome very quickly.


Only Filmation He-man and She-ra had the Power and Honor, courage and guts to face these problems head on:

They gave us the power and saved lives!


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
All the 80's 30 minute toy adverts did those and the ONLY reason they did them was to appease regulators. Arguably the G.I. Joe ones had a more significant cultural impact.


The Filmation He-man and She-ra cartoons have been translated into countless languages:

and have been just as POWERFUL!



That's not the legendary version of that message:

Sonic the Hedgehog came out in 1991. He-man and She-ra gave this power message in 1986. The similarity of Sonic’s message leads me to believe he, and his creator, watched He-man and She-ra in the 80’s. So Sonic was at least 5 years behind the times.

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