What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!


jumbled pile of person
I have a deep conviction that he would have let those friends get away with it if he were in charge. But hey, he's welcome to prove me wrong—somebody introduce a bill that imposes harsher penalties for voyeurism and people who know about it and don't report it, and see what he does.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Good, but there's nothing really there until they implement measures to prevent the expulsed from running again.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
There's plenty of other positions in government: and they need to bar him and everyone like him (that is to say: expulsed from their position, or otherwise found guilty of criminality.) from running at all. "He won't win" isn't the same as "ineligible to run".

Edit: I get that demanding those found guilty of crime being removed from eligibility to run in government is kinda harsh and strict. But this isn't some redemption story where he did his time, learned his lesson, and wants to make the world a better place: He literally ******* crimed just to get into office, and then he kept criming WHILE IN OFFICE. He needs to be an example of what the political system will not tolerate.


Well-known member
It will be a laugh if after everything Nikki Haley accepts the Vice Presidential nomination. But it would be a smart move for the Orange Monster.


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Two months after a prominent conservative activist and fundraiser was caught hosting white supremacist Nick Fuentes, leaders of the Republican Party of Texas have voted against barring the party from associating with known Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers.

In a 32-29 vote on Saturday, members of the Texas GOP’s executive committee stripped a pro-Israel resolution of a clause that would have included the ban. In a separate move that stunned some members, roughly half of the board also tried to prevent a record of their vote from being kept.


jumbled pile of person
The only thing that surprises me is that it was so close.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the roughly-half that tried to scrub the records included more people who had voted for the clause than against it. I know who I'd be more afraid of pissing off.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Edit: I get that demanding those found guilty of crime being removed from eligibility to run in government is kinda harsh and strict. But this isn't some redemption story where he did his time, learned his lesson, and wants to make the world a better place: He literally ******* crimed just to get into office, and then he kept criming WHILE IN OFFICE. He needs to be an example of what the political system will not tolerate.

Sounds like Trump.


Well-known member

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said that House Republicans are blurring the faces of those who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 before releasing more security footage in order to protect them from retaliation by the Department of Justice.
Considering the fact that keeping the faces from the DOJ would be a crime if it were true, how stupid does he have to be to say it when it's not true?

After Johnson’s remarks, his deputy chief for communications clarified that the blurring would be done to prevent all forms of retaliation, and that Justice already had access to raw footage.

“Faces are to be blurred from public viewing room footage to prevent all forms of retaliation against private citizens from any non-governmental actors. The Department of Justice already has access to raw footage from January 6, 2021,” Deputy Chief for Communications Raj Shah wrote in a tweet.


Well-known member
It actually works. It isn't a crime to SAY you will keep the faces from the Department of Justice. He isn't going to do the crime. But he gets street cred from a lot of people for saying that he's sticking it to the man, despite being the #3 Rank government official in the country.


jumbled pile of person
How soon is the special election to fill Santos's seat? Are they both going to be vacant for a long enough time to pass some bill that only 99% of Republicans are going to vote against?

EDIT: OK, 96% to be precise.
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Well-known member
How soon is the special election to fill Santos's seat? Are they both going to be vacant for a long enough time to pass some bill that only 99% of Republicans are going to vote against?
New York is supposed to have another one resigning early next year.

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